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Program committee
Program Committee Member:
Nizar Allouch
Attila Ambrus
Simon Anderson
Miguel Ballester
Stefano Bosi
António Brandão
Francesco Carli
Pierre-André Chiappori
João Correia-da-silva
Gabrielle Demange
Federico Echenique
Lars Ehlers
Marta Faias
Françoise Forges
Olivier Gossner
Rick Harbaugh
Sergiu Hart
Carlos Hervés-beloso
Matthew Jackson
Bettina Klaus
Flip Klijn
Guido Maretto
Ana Mauleon
Emma Moreno
Stephen Morris
Frank Page
Alberto Pinto
Jose pedro Pontes
Daniela Puzzello
Kevin Reffett
Vincent Vannetelbosch
Xavier Vives
Marc Vorsatz
John A Weymark
Juan Pablo Zapatero
rabah amir
paul belleflamme
Luciano de Castro