First Author:
Changkuk Jung |
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology |
jungck@unist.ac.kr |
50 UNIST-gil Eonyang-eup |
Ulsan, 44919, South Korea |
82-52-217-3056(Phone) |
82-52-217-3056(Fax) |
Second Author:
Mansokku Lee |
State University of New York at Geneseo |
leem@geneseo.edu |
1 College Circle, South Hall 100 |
Geneseo, 14454, USA |
585-245-5363(Phone) |
585-245-5467(Fax) |
Third Author:
Taeyoung Lee |
University of Utah |
taeyoung.lee@economics.utah.edu |
332 S 1400E Building 73, Rm 222 |
Salt Lake City, 84112, USA |
801-581-7481(Phone) |
801-581-5649(Fax) |