First Author:
Antoine Le Riche |
School of Economics, Sichuan University, P. R. China & CAC-IXXI, Complex Systems Institute, France |
antoineleriche@scu.edu.cn |
No.24, South Section 1, Yihuan Road |
Chengdu, 610042, P. R. China |
+86 2885412504(Phone) |
+86 2885412504(Fax) |
Second Author:
Francesco Magris |
LEO, University François Rabelais of Tours & CAC-IXXI, Complex Systems Institute, France |
francesco.magris@univ-tours.fr |
Avenue Jean Portalis, BP 607 |
Tours Cedex 03, 37206, France |
+33 247361077(Phone) |
+33 247361091(Fax) |