The Association for Public Economic Theory (APET) is pleased to announce a PET 2009 Workshop on "Public Economics: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches". This workshop will be held on June 22-24 in Lyon (France).
Our invited Speakers will be:
Charles Plott
The workshop is organized by the GATE Institute (CNRS and University of Lyon).
We plan to have 15 to 20 talks mixing theoretical and experimental approaches to public economics issues. You are invited to submit an abstract by March, 30-2009
in any of the following areas:
- Social choice
- Voting procedure
- Public goods and externalities
- Charitable giving
- Coordination and cooperation
- Corruption and crime
- Inequality and social preferences
- Public policy
- Information and communication
- ...
Program Chair: Jean-Louis Rullière and Marie Claire Villeval
Program Committee and Vice Chairman: John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders
The special issue of JPET (Journal of Public Economic Theory) will be edited by Charles Plott, Jean-Louis Rullière and Marie Claire Villeval.
It is not mandatory that all workshop participants submit their paper to the special issue.
Papers for the special issue must pass the normal review process for the journal.