First Author:
Tara M. Sinclair |
The George Washington University |
tsinc@gwu.edu |
Department of Economics, 2115 G Street NW, Monroe Hall #340 |
Washington, 20052, USA |
202-994-7988(Phone) |
202-994-7988(Fax) |
http://home.gwu.edu/~tsinc/ |
Second Author:
H. O. Stekler |
The George Washington University |
hstekler@gwu.edu |
Department of Economics, 2115 G Street NW, Monroe Hall #340 |
Washington, 20052, USA |
202-994-1261(Phone) |
Third Author:
Warren Carnow |
The George Washington University |
wcarnow@gwmail.gwu.edu |
Department of Economics, 2115 G Street NW, Monroe Hall #340 |
Washington, 20052, USA |