First Author:
María José Gil-Moltó |
Dpt Economics, Loughborough University |
m.j.gil-molto@lboro.ac.uk |
Dpt Economics, Loughborough University |
Loughborough, LE11 3TU, United Kingdom |
+ 44 (0) 1509 222708(Phone) |
+ 44 (0) 1509 222708(Fax) |
Second Author:
Vicente Orts |
IEI, LEE and Economics Department, Universitat Jaume I |
orts@eco.uji.es |
Third Author:
Nikolaos Georgantzís |
LEE/LINEEX and Economics Department, Universitat Jaume I |
georgant@eco.uji.es |
Fourth Author:
Aurora García-Gallego |
LEE/LINEEX and Economics Department, Universitat Jaume I |
mgarcia@eco.uji.es |