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Nadir Altinok
University de Lorraine
BETA – Maison de la Recherche
23 rue Baron Louis – 2° étage
Nancy, 54000
Biographical Sketch:

Nadir Altinok is an Associate Professor of Economics in University of Lorraine (France) since 2008. He graduated his PhD in economics in 2006 in IREDU (Institute for Research in Education), attached to the University of Bourgogne (France). His main research areas are economics of education and development economics. He took part to several expertises focused on development economics, like partneships with the Education Commission, World Bank, Global Education Report, UIS/UNESCO or the French Agency for Development (Agence Française de Développement). He works at merging international student achievement tests such as PISA, PIRLS or SACMEQ. His current research area includes the relationship between education and economic growth, the quality of education and equity issues in the education system. Moreover, he was included in the research group about the preparation of the Human Capital Project of the World Bank.

Primary Research Focus:

Quality of education

JEL Areas:
I2 : Education: General
O1 : Economic Development: General