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Denis Lescop
Telecom & Management Sud PAris
9 rue Charles Fourier
Evry, 91011
Biographical Sketch:

Denis Lescop is associate Professor of law and economics at Telecom & Management Sud Paris (France) and associate researcher at Centre de Recherches sur les Stratégies Economiques (CRESE, Université de Franche Comté, France). His research focuses on the economic analysis of competition law and regulation in the electronic comunications and media sectors. Prior to that position, Denis worked as casehandler and economist for the Conseil de la concurrence (French competition Council): he was in charge of telecommuncations and media cases. Previously, he was head of statistical observatory and external studies unit at the Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications (now ARCEP). Denis holds a Doctorate in Economics from the Université de Franche Comté.

Primary Research Focus:

Industrial economics, competition policy, telecommunications, regulation

JEL Areas:
K0 : Law and Economics: General (including Data Sources and Description)
L5 : Regulation and Industrial Policy: General