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University of Siena, Dept of Economics
Uiversity of Siena, Dept. of Economics
p.zza s. francesco 7
Siena, Itay
Biographical Sketch:

Associate Professor of Economic Policy, University of Siena, Italy (from June 2000); Member of the Council of the Siena Doctorate in Law and Economics; General Secretary of the Italian Association for Studies on compared Economic Systems - ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA DI STUDI SUI SISTEMI ECONOMICI COMPARATI (AISSEC); Local Organiser EAEPE Conference 2001(European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy). From 1997 to 2000 economist at the Italian Competition Authority. PhD in Economics in Siena (1997), visiting scholar in economics at the University of Cambridge (1995) and Laurea in Economic and Social Discipline at the Bocconi University Milan (1992).

Primary Research Focus:

Law and Economics, Theory fo tye Firm, Economics of contracts, Competition Policy

JEL Areas:
K0 : Law and Economics: General (including Data Sources and Description)
L0 : Industrial Organization: General