Fernando Tonone |
ITESM Campus Monterrey |
Lerdo de Tejada # 1234 pte. Zona Centro. C.P. 25000 |
Saltillo, Coah. Mexico |
Saltillo, Coahuila 25000 |
Mexico |
fatonone@prodigy.net.mx |
http://egade.sistema.itesm.mx/monterrey2003 |
Biographical Sketch:
*B.A. Mayor in Economics. June 2003. Monterrey Institute of Technology Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.
*Entrepreneurship studies. Summer 2001 Tulane University - A.B. Freeman School of Business. New Orleans, LA.
*Assistant of the Local Committee Chairperson. 7th. International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation: Monterrey 2003. |
Primary Research Focus:
Monetary Policy, Finance. |
JEL Areas: