Xuan Tran |
University of West Florida |
11000 University Parkway, 53/115 |
Pensacola, Florida 32514-5750 |
US |
xtran@uwf.edu |
https://uwf.edu/lbjcob/departments/commerce/faculty/dr-xuan-v-tran.html |
Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Xuan V. Tran is a Professor at the University of West Florida (UWF) specializing in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and consumer behavior psychology in the hospitality and tourism industry. His research focuses on various topics such as the economic impact on luxury hotel demand, hotel brand personality and service quality, and customer price sensitivity in upscale lodging. He obtained his Ph.D. in Hospitality, Recreation, and Tourism from the University of Utah and has taught at several institutions in Japan, China, and Vietnam before joining the UWF faculty. ORCID: 0000-0003-0467-5155 |
Primary Research Focus:
Microeconomics, macroeconomics, touris, hospitality, consumer behavior |
JEL Areas: A2 : Economics Education and Teaching of Economics: General C5 : Econometric Modeling: General |