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Primary JEL Area Matches

Klaus Abbink Monash Email Profile CV
Marina Agranov California Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
TK Ahn Seoul National University Email Profile CV
Sule Alan University of Essex Email Profile CV
Sule Alan University of Essex Email Profile CV
Federica Alberti University of Portsmouth Business Schoo Email Profile CV
Felix Albrecht University of Marburg, Germany Email Profile CV
Aguilar-ibarra Alonso Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Email Profile CV
Steffen Andersen Copenhagen Business School Email Profile CV
Saenz-arroyo Andrea Comunidad y Biodiversidad Email Profile CV
Corcos Anne Curapp - EES, Université de Picardie Email Profile CV
Armenak Robert Antinyan University of Venice, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Email Profile CV
Sher Asad ISU Email Profile CV
Mallory Avery Monash University Email Profile CV
Ritwik Banerjee IIMB Email Profile CV
Ritwik Banerjee IIM, Bangalore Email Profile CV
Ritwik Banerjee IIM, Kolkata Email Profile CV
Björn Bartling Bartling University of Zurich Email Profile CV
Jared Barton California State University- Channel Islands Email Profile CV
Tushi Baul NYU Abu Dhabi Email Profile CV
Oben K Bayrak Centre for Environmental and Resource Economics Email Profile CV
Mohamed ali Bchir University of Strasbourg Email Profile CV
Nicole Becker TU Dortmund, RGS Econ Email Profile CV
Norman Belas Chair in Empirical Economics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany Email Profile CV
Benjamin Beranek University of Missouri Email Profile CV
Antoine Beretti UMR LAMETA, 1135 Email Profile CV
Stephane Bergeron Université Laval Email Profile CV
Sandrine Blanchemanche INRA Email Profile CV
Mariana Blanco University of Rosario Email Profile CV
Francesco Bogliacino Universidad Nacional de Colombia Email Profile CV
Frieder Bolle Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) Email Profile CV
Luke Boosey Florida State University Email Profile CV
Douadia Bougherara CEE-M, Univ Montpellier, CNRS , INRA, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier, France Email Profile CV
Sacha Bourgeois-gironde University of Provence Email Profile CV
Delphine Boutin EDHEC Business School Email Profile CV
Pablo Branas-Garza Universidad Loyola Email Profile CV
Pablo Brañas-Garza University of Granada Email Profile CV
Thomas C. Brown Rocky Mountain Research Station, U.S. Forest Service Email Profile CV
Christoph Bühren University of Kassel Email Profile CV
Christoph Bühren University of Kassel Email Profile CV
Mürüvvet Büyükboyacı METU Email Profile CV
Alexander Wright Cappelen Professor The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Email Profile CV
Valerio Capraro Middlesex University Email Profile CV
Jeffrey Carpenter Middlebury College Email Profile CV
Jeffrey Carpenter Middlebury College Email Profile CV
Edward Cartwright University of Kent Email Profile CV
Marco Casari University of Bologna Email Profile CV
Timothy N Cason Purdue U. Email Profile CV
Jérémy Celse ESSCA School of Management Email Profile CV
Rafael Charris Chapman University Email Profile CV
Ananish Chaudhuri University of Auckland Email Profile CV
Yi-yi Chen Washington University in St. Louis Email Profile CV
Ya-ju Chen National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Gabriel yong ping Chua Economics programme, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University Email Profile CV
Sophie Clot LAMETA, UMR 1135, ENSAM Email Profile CV
François Cochard University of Franche-Comté Email Profile CV
David Cooper UEA Email Profile CV
Jay R. Corrigan Kenyon College Email Profile CV
Javier Rodero Cosano centrA Email Profile CV
Javier Rodero Cosano centrA Email Profile CV
James C Cox Georgia State University Email Profile CV
Vincent Crawford UC-San Diego Email Profile CV
Paolo Crosetto INRA and Univ. Grenoble Alpes, UMR 1215 GAEL Email Profile CV
Revollo-fernandez Daniel Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Email Profile CV
Astrid Dannenberg University of Kassel Email Profile CV
Abhishek Das Jadavpur University Email Profile CV
Utteeyo Dasgupta Wagner College Email Profile CV
Utteeyo Dasgupta Franklin and Marshall College Email Profile CV
Elwyn Davies Oxford University Email Profile CV
Douglas Davis Virginia Commonwealth University Email Profile CV
Liam Delaney UCD Email Profile CV
Laurent Denant-Boemont University of Rennes Email Profile CV
Lena Detlefsen IfW Kiel Email Profile CV
Maria Giovanna Devetag LUISS Email Profile CV
Sanjit Dhami Leicester Email Profile CV
Daniela Di cagno LUISS Guido Carli University Email Profile CV
David Dickinson Appalachian State University Email Profile CV
Andreas Diekmann ETH, Zurich Email Profile CV
Lu Dong Nanjing Audit University Email Profile CV
Maurice Doyon Université Laval Email Profile CV
Loïc Du parquet Le Mans University Email Profile CV
Sébastien Duchêne Montpellier Business School Email Profile CV
Joisa Dutra FGV CERI Centro de Estudo em Regulação de Infraestrutura Email Profile CV
Kai Duttle Institute of East Asian Studies, Mercator School of Management, University of Duisburg-Essen Email Profile CV
Katharina Eckartz Bingen Technical University of Applied Sciences Email Profile CV
Catherine Eckel Texas A&M Email Profile CV
William Gavin Ekins Emory University Email Profile CV
Christoph Engel Max Planck Institute Email Profile CV
Jim Engle-Warnick MacGill University Email Profile CV
Ahmed Ennasri LAMETA Email Profile CV
Hui jun Er Economics programme, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University Email Profile CV
Orhan Erdem Rockford University. Email Profile CV
Seda Ertac Koc University Email Profile CV
Armin Falk University of Bonn Email Profile CV
Zhi Fan School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University Email Profile CV
Marco Faravelli University of Queensland Email Profile CV
Enrique Fatas University of East Anglia Email Profile CV
Nick Feltovich Monash University Email Profile CV
Alina Ferecatu Rotterdam Email Profile CV
Antonio Filippin University of Milan Email Profile CV
Urs Fischbacher University of Konstanz Email Profile CV
Alexandre Flage Université de Lorraine, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, BETA Email Profile CV
Mariê Luísa Fontana Department of Economics, Federal University of Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
Axel Franzen University of Berne Email Profile CV
Pannequin François CREST - ENS Paris-Saclay Email Profile CV
David Freeman Simon Fraser University Email Profile CV
Cary Frydman USC Email Profile CV
Franziska Föllmi-Heusi University of Kreuzlingen Email Profile CV
Simon Gaechter University of Nottingham Email Profile CV
Fabio Galeotti University of East Anglia Email Profile CV
Lata Gangadharan Monash Email Profile CV
Guanlin Gao Chaminade University of Honolulu Email Profile CV
Alexis Garapin University of Grenoble-Alpes, INRA, UMR 1215 GAEL Email Profile CV
Alexia Gaudeul DFG RTG 1411, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena Email Profile CV
Laura Gee Tufts University Email Profile CV
Nikolaos Georgantzis GLOBE – Universidad de Granada & LEE, Universitat Jaume I, Spain Email Profile CV
Srijita Ghosh Ashoka University Email Profile CV
David Gill Purdue University Email Profile CV
Paul Glimcher NYU Email Profile CV
Uri Gneezy University of California, San Diego Email Profile CV
Bart H Golsteyn Maastricht University Email Profile CV
Joaquin Gomez-Miñambres Bucknell University Email Profile CV
Binglin Gong Fudan University Email Profile CV
Marco Goulart Department of Business Administration, Federal University of Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
Regine Graml Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Email Profile CV
Ben Greiner University of New South Wales Email Profile CV
Daniela Grieco University of Milan Email Profile CV
Jocelyn Groff IRSTEA UMR GESTE Email Profile CV
Jens Grosser Florida State University Email Profile CV
Phiip J. Grossman Monash University Email Profile CV
Sven Gruener Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Email Profile CV
Francesco Guala University of Milan Email Profile CV
Gautam Gupta Jadavpur University Email Profile CV
Mehmet yigit Gurdal Department of Economics, Bogazici University Email Profile CV
Mehmet Gurdal TOBB ETU Email Profile CV
Haukur Freyr Gylfason University of Iceland Email Profile CV
Camilo Gómez Universidad Nacional de Colombia Email Profile CV
Tobias Hagen Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Email Profile CV
John R. Hamman Florida State University Email Profile CV
David Hammond School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo Email Profile CV
Mamduh M Hanafi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia Email Profile CV
Matthew j. Hashim University of Arizona Email Profile CV
Johannes Haushofer Princeton University Email Profile CV
Tai-sen He Economics programme, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University Email Profile CV
Tai-sen He Brown University Email Profile CV
Ricky Herman Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Email Profile CV
Walid Hichri University of Lyon, F-69007, France; CNRS, GATE L-SE, Ecully, F-69130, University Lyon 2; LAREQUAD Email Profile CV
Walid Hichri GATE-LSE & University of Lyon 2 Email Profile CV
Benjamin E Hilbig University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Email Profile CV
Adrian Hillenbrand Max Planck Institute Email Profile CV
Norbert Hirschauer Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Email Profile CV
Elizabeth Hoffman Iowa State University Email Profile CV
Daniel Houser George Mason University Email Profile CV
Li-chen Hsu National Chengchi University Email Profile CV
Zhenxing Huang Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Email Profile CV
Steve Humphrey Osnabrueck Email Profile CV
Kirsten Häger Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena Email Profile CV
Wolfgang Höchtl University of Innsbruck Email Profile CV
Keigo Inukai Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University Email Profile CV
Edwin Ip University of Exeter Email Profile CV
Ebru Isgin West Chester University of PA Email Profile CV
Tarek Jaber lópez Laboratorio de Economía Experimental (LEE), Universitat Jaume I, Spain Email Profile CV
Krista Jabs Webster university Email Profile CV
Nicolas Jacquemet University Paris1 Email Profile CV
David Blake Johnson University of Central Missouri Email Profile CV
Dominic Jung Clausthal University of Technology Email Profile CV
John Kagel Ohio State University Email Profile CV
Karthik n. Kannan Purdue University Email Profile CV
Natalia Karelaia INSEAD Email Profile CV
Melis Kartal Vienna University of Economics and Business Email Profile CV
Toshiji Kawagoe Department of Complex and Intelligent Systems, Future University Hakodate Email Profile CV
Tetsuya Kawamura Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Tezukayama University Email Profile CV
Hugh Kelley NUIG Email Profile CV
Kristine Khachatryan Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Email Profile CV
Jeognbin Kim Seoul National University Email Profile CV
Duk Gyoo Kim California Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Oliver Kirchkamp University of Jena Email Profile CV
Charlotte Klempt Institut for Applied Economic Research Email Profile CV
Heather Susan Knewtson Michigan Technological University Email Profile CV
Martin Kocher Department of Economics, University of Vienna Email Profile CV
Felix Koelle University of Cologne Email Profile CV
James Konow Loyola Marymount University Email Profile CV
Oliver Bela Kovacs Department of Economics and Econometrics, University of Pecs Email Profile CV
Ian Krajbich Ohio State University Email Profile CV
Kate Krause University of New Mexico Email Profile CV
Michal Krawczyk Warsaw University Email Profile CV
Kari Kristinsson University of Iceland Email Profile CV
Bengt Kriström Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Email Profile CV
Stephan Kroll Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University Email Profile CV
Sabine Kröger Univerity Laval Quebec Email Profile CV
Sebastian Kube Max Planck Institute, Bonn Email Profile CV
Micaela M. Kulesz Institutional and Behavioral Economics Deparment, Leibniz-ZMT Email Profile CV
Cintya Lanchimba Escuela Politécnica Nacional Email Profile CV
Thomas Langer University of Muenster Email Profile CV
Katharina Laske University of Cologne Email Profile CV
Philippe Le coent Université Montpellier 1, UMR 5474 LAMETA, F-34000 Montpellier, France Email Profile CV
Jun yeong Lee Pusan National University Email Profile CV
Jinkwon Lee Sogang University Email Profile CV
M. Vittoria Levati Max Planck Institute Jena Email Profile CV
Amir Levkowitz Ben-Gurion University Email Profile CV
Jiawen Li Lancaster University Email Profile CV
Sherry Li UT Dallas Email Profile CV
Lily Li Georgia State University Email Profile CV
Shao yi Liaw Economics programme, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University Email Profile CV
Yang Liu Dalian University of Technology Email Profile CV
Aniol Llorente-saguer Queen Mary, London Email Profile CV
Tim Lohse Berlin School of Economics and Law Email Profile CV
Russell W. Louks Michigan Technological University Email Profile CV
Andrew Luccasen Mississippi University for Women Email Profile CV
Stephane Luchini Aix-Marseille Université Email Profile CV
Anamaria Lusardi George Washington University Email Profile CV
Valeria Maggian University of Padoa Email Profile CV
Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu LEMNA, Univeristy of Nantes Email Profile CV
Paola Manzini University of St. Andrews Email Profile CV
Ieda Matavelli UNSW Email Profile CV
Sandra Maximiano Purdue university Email Profile CV
Kevin Mccabe George Mason University Email Profile CV
David Mcevoy Appalachian State University Email Profile CV
Jonathan Meer Texas A&M University Email Profile CV
Rati Mekvabishvili Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Email Profile CV
Thomas E. Merz Michigan Technological University Email Profile CV
Luc Meunier ESSCA School of Management Email Profile CV
Luc Meunier ESSCA School of Management Email Profile CV
Kazuo Mino Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University Email Profile CV
Johanna Mollerstrom George Mason University Email Profile CV
Felipe Montealegre Universidad Nacional de Colombia Email Profile CV
Amy Moore Southern Utah University Email Profile CV
Alejandro Tatsuo Moreno-okuno University of Guanajuato Email Profile CV
Tomoharu Mori College of Comprehensive Psychology, Ritsumeikan University Email Profile CV
Andrea Morone Università degli Studi di Bari, Aldo Moro Email Profile CV
Stephan Mueller University of Goettingen Email Profile CV
Shagata Mukherjee Faculty of Meghnad Desai Academy of Economics, India Email Profile CV
Laurent Muller INRA, University of Grenoble-Alpes, UMR 1215 GAEL Email Profile CV
Laurent Muller INRA, University of Grenoble-Alpes, UMR 1215 GAEL Email Profile CV
Gabor Murai Department of Economics and Econometrics, University of Pecs Email Profile CV
James J Murphy U. Alaska Anchorage Email Profile CV
Naoufel Mzoughi INRA, UR 767 Ecodéveloppement, 84914 Avignon, France Email Profile CV
Masao Nagatsuka Osaka Gakuin University Email Profile CV
Susanne Neckermann university of Chicago Email Profile CV
Francesco Nemore Univeristà degli Studi di Bari, Aldo Moro Email Profile CV
Artem Nesterov Durham University Email Profile CV
Thomas Neumann Chair in Empirical Economics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany Email Profile CV
Quang Nguyen Nanyang Technological University Email Profile CV
Nicky Nicholls University of Pretoria Email Profile CV
Andreas Nicklisch University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Switzerland Email Profile CV
Andreas Nicklisch University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Switzerland Email Profile CV
Muriel Niederle Standford University Email Profile CV
Tsuyoshi Nihonsugi Graduate School of Economics, Waseda University Email Profile CV
Charles Noussair University of Arizona Email Profile CV
Chaikal Nuryakin Faculty of Economics and Busniess, Universitas Indonesia Email Profile CV
Simone Nuzzo Università degli Studi di Bari, Aldo Moro Email Profile CV
Peter Ockenfels Goethe University Frankfurt Email Profile CV
Kazuhito Ogawa Kansai University Email Profile CV
Kazuhito Ogawa Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University Email Profile CV
Ayse Onculer ESSEC Email Profile CV
Vitor Onuki UFRJ Email Profile CV
Andreas Ortmann UNSW Email Profile CV
Hironori Otsubo Chuo University Email Profile CV
Hironori Otsubo Soka University Email Profile CV
David Owens Haverford Email Profile CV
Robert Oxoby University of Calgary Email Profile CV
Benjamin Oyebode University of Pretoria Email Profile CV
Xiaofei Pan Bryant University Email Profile CV
Alessandro Papparella University of Bari Email Profile CV
Na young Park Incheon National University Email Profile CV
David Alan Peel University of Lancaster Email Profile CV
Hui-chun Peng National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Mariana Pereira Department of Economics, Federal University of Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
Charles R. Plott CALTECH Email Profile CV
Giovanni Ponti LUISS Guido Carli University & Universidad de Alicante Email Profile CV
Odile Poulsen University of East Anglia Email Profile CV
Curtis R. Price University of Southern Indiana Email Profile CV
Joseph Price Brigham Young University Email Profile CV
Raphaële Préget INRA, UMR 1135 LAMETA, F-34000 Montpellier, France Email Profile CV
Klarizze anne Puzon ISER, Osaka University & CERE-Sweden Email Profile CV
Klarizze anne Puzon United Nations University Email Profile CV
Klarizze Puzon LAMETA, Universite Montpellier I Email Profile CV
Salmai Qari Berlin School of Economics and Law Email Profile CV
Benjamin Radoc Ateneo de Manila University Email Profile CV
Ismaël Rafaï Aix Marseille Univ Email Profile CV
Bilel Rahali University of Grenoble-Alpes, INRA, UMR 1215 GAEL Email Profile CV
Abhijit Ramalingam School of Economics, University of East Anglia Email Profile CV
Abhijit Ramalingam University of East Anglia Email Profile CV
Mauricio Ramos Federal University of Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
Laura Razzolini Virginia Commonwealth University Email Profile CV
Tobias Regner Max Planck Institute Economics Jena Email Profile CV
Joerg Rieger Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg Email Profile CV
Gerhard Riener Abteilung fuer Volkswirtschaftslehre Universitaet Mannheim Email Profile CV
Tastaftiyan Risfandy Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia Email Profile CV
Stéphane Robin laboratoire d'économie appliquée de Grenoble (GAEL Email Profile CV
Bettina Rockenbach University of Koln Email Profile CV
Ismael Rodriguez Lara Universidad de Granada Email Profile CV
Ismael Rodriguez-lara ERICES, Universidad de Valencia Email Profile CV
Ingrid M.T. Rohde Maastricht University Email Profile CV
Rong Rong George Mason University Email Profile CV
Jutta Roosen Technische Universität München Email Profile CV
Michael M. W. Ross Ruhr-University Bochum Email Profile CV
Matthew C. Rousu Susquehanna University Email Profile CV
Anne Rozan University of Strasbourg Email Profile CV
Bradley Ruffle Wilfrid Laurier University Email Profile CV
Jean-louis Rulliere Université lyon 2 Email Profile CV
Lauri Saaksvuori National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland. Email Profile CV
Vjollca Sadiraj Georgia State University Email Profile CV
Abdolkarim Sadrieh University of Magdeburg Email Profile CV
Yasmin Salazar Escuela Politécnica Nacional Email Profile CV
André A. P. Santos Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) Email Profile CV
Hamet Sarr University of Strasbourg Email Profile CV
Rupert Sausgruber University of Vienna Email Profile CV
Dario Schirone Independent researcher Email Profile CV
Ethan Schmick Muhlenberg College Email Profile CV
Carsten Schmidt University of Mannheim, Sonderforschungsbereich 504 Email Profile CV
Stephan Schosser Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg Email Profile CV
Andrew Schotter New York University Email Profile CV
Arthur Schram CREED, Amsterdam School of Economics Email Profile CV
Marina Schröder Leibniz University Hannover Email Profile CV
Simeon Schudy Univesity of Konstanz Email Profile CV
Marta Serra-Garcia UCSD Email Profile CV
Maroš Servátka Macquarie Graduate School of Management Email Profile CV
Junyi Shen Kobe University Email Profile CV
Roman M. Sheremeta Case Western Reserve University Email Profile CV
Roman Sheremeta Case Western Reserve University Email Profile CV
Katya Sherstyuk University of Hawaii Email Profile CV
Tatsuhiro Shichijo Osaka Metropolitan University Email Profile CV
Jason F Shogren University of Wyoming Email Profile CV
Olga Shurchkov Wellesley College Email Profile CV
Robert Slonim University of Sydney Email Profile CV
Alec Smith Virginia Tech Email Profile CV
Alexander Smith Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Email Profile CV
Tony So University of Auckland Email Profile CV
Joep Sonnemans CREED, University of Amsterdam Email Profile CV
Barry Sopher Rutgers University Email Profile CV
Andrea Sorensen Southern Illinois University - Carbondale Email Profile CV
Gianandrea Staffiero CRES – Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain & Matrix Knowledge, UK Email Profile CV
Brock V Stoddard Appalachian State University Email Profile CV
Brock Stoddard Appalachian State University Email Profile CV
Juan Sun Georgia State Univeristy Email Profile CV
Qinghui Suo Southwest University Email Profile CV
Angela Sutan LESSAC, Burgundy School of Business and LAMETA Email Profile CV
Angela Sutan BETA Theme, Strasbourg Email Profile CV
Zoltan Szabo Department of Finance and Accounting, University of Pecs Email Profile CV
Hiromasa Takahashi Hiroshima City University Email Profile CV
Emilio Takase Department of Psychology, Federal University of Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
Ai Takeuchi Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University Email Profile CV
Joseph Tao-yi Wang National Taiwan University Email Profile CV
Michael Taylor University of Notre Dame Email Profile CV
Tiziana Temerario Università degli Studi di Bari, Aldo Moro Email Profile CV
Sophie Thoyer Montpellier SupAgro, UMR 1135 LAMETA, F-34000 Montpellier, France Email Profile CV
James F. Thrasher Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina Email Profile CV
Yossef Tobol Jerusalem College of Technology Email Profile CV
Hisashi Toku Jin-ai University Email Profile CV
Stefan Trautmann Tilburg University Email Profile CV
Steven Tucker University of Canterbury Email Profile CV
Verena Utikal FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg Email Profile CV
Radovan Vadovic Carleton University Email Profile CV
Radovan Vadovič Carleton University Email Profile CV
Lise Vesterlund University of Pittsburgh Email Profile CV
Robert Veszteg Waseda University Email Profile CV
Marie claire Villeval CNRS, University of Lyon, and IZA Email Profile CV
Bodo Vogt Chair in Empirical Economics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany Email Profile CV
Alex Voorhoeve LSE Email Profile CV
alisa Voslinsky Shamoon College of Engineering Email Profile CV
Israel Waichman Heidelberg University Email Profile CV
James M Walker Indiana University Email Profile CV
Arne Robert Weiss University of Erfurt Email Profile CV
Marc Willinger University of Montpellier Email Profile CV
Marc Willinger ENGEES Email Profile CV
Hernan Winkler World Bank Email Profile CV
Irenaeus Wolff University of Konstanz, Thurgau Institute of Economics (TWI) Email Profile CV
John Wooders University of Technology Sydney Email Profile CV
Kristin Woods Rutgers University-Camden Email Profile CV
Erte Xiao Monash Email Profile CV
Huan Xie Concordia University Email Profile CV
Kazunori Yakushiji Osaka Metropolitan University Email Profile CV
Kazunori Yakushiji Osaka Metropolitan University Email Profile CV
Mahmud Yesuf American University Email Profile CV
Serdar Yürek METU Email Profile CV
Jie Zhang University of Liverpool , China Email Profile CV
Jingjing Zhang University of Technology Sydney Email Profile CV
Anthony Ziegelmeyer Queen's University Belfast Email Profile CV
Yvonne Ziegler Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Email Profile CV
Daniel Zizzo University of Queensland Email Profile CV
Ro'i Zultan Center for Rationality Email Profile CV
anna maffioletti University of Turin Email Profile CV
Joel van der weele university of Amsterdam Email Profile CV
Frederik Roose Øvlisen University of Copenhagen Email Profile CV

Secondary JEL Area Matches

Marc T. P. Adam The University of Newcastle, Australia Email Profile CV
Yonas Alem University of Gothenburg Email Profile CV
David Amdur Muhlenberg College Email Profile CV
Ola Andersson Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) Email Profile CV
Jasmina Arifovic Simon Fraser University Email Profile CV
Thorsten Auer Department Management, Paderborn University Email Profile CV
Yumiko Baba Aoyamagakuin University Email Profile CV
Aurelien Baillon Erasmus University Rotterdam Email Profile CV
Subrato Banerjee Indian Statistical Institute Email Profile CV
Márcia Baptista IST Email Profile CV
Ronen Bar-el Open University of Israel Email Profile CV
Darija Barak-Halatova The University of Edinburgh Email Profile CV
Marco Battaglini Istituto Einaudi per l'Economia e la Finanza (EIEF) Email Profile CV
Loic Berger CNRS, IESEG School of Management Email Profile CV
Siegfried K. Berninghaus Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Jean Beuve IAE - Université de Paris 1 and Université de Paris XI Email Profile CV
Steven J Bosworth University of Pittsburgh Email Profile CV
David Boto García Universidad de Oviedo Email Profile CV
Alan J Brokaw School of Business and Economics, Michigan Technological University Email Profile CV
Philip Brookins University of South Carolina Email Profile CV
Francisco Campos-Ortiz Brown University Email Profile CV
Giselli Castillo Universidad de Chile Email Profile CV
José Gabriel Castillo García Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) Email Profile CV
Francesca Centrone Dipartimento di Studi per l'Economia e l'Impresa, Università del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro” Email Profile CV
Ian Chadd Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Email Profile CV
Kirill Chernomaz San Francisco State University Email Profile CV
Nels Christiansen Trinity University Email Profile CV
Yating Chuang National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Derek J Clark Tromso University Business School Email Profile CV
Domenico Colucci Universita di Firenze Email Profile CV
Francisco J. M. Costa Department of Economics and STICERD, London School of Economics Email Profile CV
Stephen J Cotten Department of Economics and Finance, University of Houston - Clear Lake Email Profile CV
Helene Couprie Univ Cergy Pontoise Email Profile CV
Robin Cubitt University of Nottingham Email Profile CV
Newton Da costa jr. Federal University of Santa Catarina and Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná Email Profile CV
Dinorá De faveri Federal University of Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
Emmanuel Dechenaux Kent State University Email Profile CV
Cary Deck University of Arkansas Email Profile CV
Amit Dekel Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne Email Profile CV
Peter Descioli Stony Brook University Email Profile CV
Johannes Diederich Heidelberg University Email Profile CV
Dolgorsuren Dorj University of Hawaii at Manoa Email Profile CV
John Duffy University of Pittsburgh Email Profile CV
Sean Duffy Rutgers University-Camden Email Profile CV
Helin Ekemen Paderborn University Email Profile CV
Nathalie Etchart-vincent CNRS & Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne, UMR CNRS 8174 Email Profile CV
Sebastian Fehrler University of Zurich Email Profile CV
Paolo Lorenzo Ferrara University of Catania Email Profile CV
Joshua Foster Whitman College Email Profile CV
Björn Frank University of Kassel Email Profile CV
Matthew Freeman Mississippi State Email Profile CV
Lana Friesen University of Queensland Email Profile CV
Emiko Fukuda National Defense Academy of Japan Email Profile CV
Emiko Fukuda National Defense Academy of Japan Email Profile CV
Astrid Gamba Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena and Department of Economics, University of Milan-Bicocca Email Profile CV
Aurora García-gallego University of Jaume I Email Profile CV
José Daniel García-hernández University of Guanajuato Email Profile CV
Jun Goto University of Tokyo Email Profile CV
Marco Goulart Federal University of Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
Ðura Georg Granić University of Konstanz, Germany Email Profile CV
André Grezelle Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná Email Profile CV
Shaun Grimshaw University of Exeter Email Profile CV
Zeynep Gürgüç Imperial College London Email Profile CV
Carolin Hagedorn Paderborn University Email Profile CV
Glenn W Harrison GSU Email Profile CV
Paul Healy The Ohio State University Email Profile CV
Chantal Heise Paderborn University Email Profile CV
Penélope Hernández-rojas University of Valencia Email Profile CV
Yoichi Hizen Kochi University of Technology Email Profile CV
Håkan J. Holm Department of Economics, Lund University Email Profile CV
Niall Hughes European University Institute Email Profile CV
Elisabetta Iossa Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Email Profile CV
Stefan Jenewein Gesellschaft für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung and University of Innsbruck Email Profile CV
Brian P Joyce School of Business and Economics, Michigan Technological University Email Profile CV
Yoshio Kamijo Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (WIAS) Email Profile CV
Kiriti Kanjilal Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi Email Profile CV
Emin Karagozoglu Bilkent University, Law and Economics Implementation and Research Center Email Profile CV
Emin Karagozoglu Bilkent University, Law and Economics Implementation and Research Center Email Profile CV
Mitesh Kataria Max Planck Institute of Economics Email Profile CV
Tamas Keller Research Center for Educational and Network Studies, Centre for Social Sciences Email Profile CV
Erik Kimbrough Simon Fraser University Email Profile CV
Konstantinos Konstantakis National Technical University of Athens Email Profile CV
Oliver Bela Kovacs Department of Economics and Econometrics, University of Pecs Email Profile CV
Daniel Kovenock Chapman University Email Profile CV
Miriam Krieger CINCH – Health Economics Research Center, University of Duisburg-Essen Email Profile CV
Eike B. Kroll Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg Email Profile CV
Thorben C. Kundt Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg Email Profile CV
Yannick L'horty Gustave Eiffel University Email Profile CV
Yaron Lahav Ben-Gurion University Email Profile CV
Dan Levin Ohio State University Email Profile CV
Rene Levinsky Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education Email Profile CV
Matthew R Levy London School of Economics Email Profile CV
Xiaoye Li National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
King king Li Max Planck Institute of Economics Email Profile CV
Keqiang Li School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University Email Profile CV
Danyang Li Hofstra University Email Profile CV
Wooyoung Lim Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Email Profile CV
Stephane Luchini Aix-Marseille Université Email Profile CV
Volodymyr Lugovskyy Georgia Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Peter Lusanga North West University (Potchefstroom Campus) Email Profile CV
Beatrice Magistro University of Washington Email Profile CV
Marco Mantovani University of Milan - Bicocca Email Profile CV
Marco Mantovani University of Milan - Bicocca Email Profile CV
Christoph March University of Bamberg, Technische Universität München, and CESifo Email Profile CV
Cesar Martinelli George Mason University Email Profile CV
Silvia Martinez gorricho University of Alicante Email Profile CV
Vitorino Martins , Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (FEP-UP) Email Profile CV
Takehito Masuda Kochi University of Technology Email Profile CV
Clelia Mazzoni University of Naples II Email Profile CV
Lydia Mechtenberg Hamburg University Email Profile CV
Marina Mendes itam Email Profile CV
Luc Meunier ESSCA School of Management Email Profile CV
Felipe Montealegre Università degli Studi di Bologna Email Profile CV
Claude Montmarquette CIRANO and Université de Montréal Email Profile CV
Amy Moore Southern Utah University Email Profile CV
Antonio j. Morales University of Malaga Email Profile CV
Gabor Murai Department of Economics and Econometrics, University of Pecs Email Profile CV
Giancarlo Musto GATE University of Lyon Email Profile CV
Julia Müller Universität Osnabrück. Email Profile CV
Heinrich H. Nax UZH and ETH Email Profile CV
Mahnaz Nazneen Warwick Email Profile CV
Daniel M Nedelescu University of Oklahoma Email Profile CV
Phu Nguyen-van BETA, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg Email Profile CV
Aaron Nicholas Deakin University Email Profile CV
Jean-philippe Nicolai l'Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble – Génie Industriel Email Profile CV
Jean-philippe Nicolai l'Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble – Génie Industriel Email Profile CV
Claudia Niemeyer Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany Email Profile CV
Plamen Nikolov Binghamton University Email Profile CV
Plamen Nikolov State University of New York (at Binghamton); Harvard Institute for Quantitative Social Science Email Profile CV
Ngoc-thao Noet GRANEM, University of Angers Email Profile CV
Niall O'higgins ILO University of Salerno Email Profile CV
Jörg Oechssler U.. Heidelberg Email Profile CV
Henrik Orzen University of Mannheim Email Profile CV
Henrik Orzen University of Mannheim Email Profile CV
Stein E Ostbye Tromso University Business School Email Profile CV
Luca Panaccione Department of Economics and Law, Sapienza University of Rome Email Profile CV
François Pannequin Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan and CES Email Profile CV
Lynda Pavão State University of Rio de Janeiro Email Profile CV
Javier Perote University of Salamanca Email Profile CV
Pascale Petit Gustave Eiffel University Email Profile CV
Wlademir Prates Graduate Program in Management, Federal University of Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
Kerstin Pull University of Tuebingen Email Profile CV
Klarizze anne M. Puzon ISER, Osaka University & CERE-Umea University Email Profile CV
Klarizze Puzon University of Montpellier I Email Profile CV
Botao Qin Xi'an Jiaotong University Email Profile CV
Botao Qin Xi'an Jiaotong University Email Profile CV
Francesco Quatraro BRICK Collegio Carlo Alberto Email Profile CV
Therese Rebiere Lirsa-Cnam, TEPP, and IZA Email Profile CV
Lucas Rentschler Universidad Francisco Marroquin Email Profile CV
Lina María Restrepo Universidad del Valle Email Profile CV
Tahereh Rezaei Khavas Utrecht University Email Profile CV
Arno Riedl Maastricht University Email Profile CV
Arno Riedl University of Maastrict Email Profile CV
Andrea Robbett Department of Economics, Middlebury College Email Profile CV
Stéphane Robin laboratoire d'économie appliquée de Grenoble (GAEL Email Profile CV
Julio R. Robledo University of Nottingham Email Profile CV
Amalia Rodrigo-González University of Valencia Email Profile CV
A. Felipe Rodrigues Federal University of Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
Matthew R Roelofs Western Washington University Email Profile CV
Ingrid M.T. Rohde Maastricht University Email Profile CV
Tanya S Rosenblat Iowa State Univesity Email Profile CV
Jean-louis Rulliere Université lyon 2 Email Profile CV
Thomas C Sahajdack Kent State Email Profile CV
Tatsuyoshi Saijo Kochi University of Technology Email Profile CV
Santiago Sanchez-pages University of Barcelona and University of Edinburgh Email Profile CV
Rupert Sausgruber University of Innsbruck Email Profile CV
Patrizia Sbriglia University of Naples II Email Profile CV
Burkhard Schipper Department of Economics, University of California, Davis Email Profile CV
Julia Schmid WZB Email Profile CV
Ulrich Schmidt University of Kiel and Kiel Institute for the World Economy Email Profile CV
Roman Sheremeta Case Western Reserve Email Profile CV
Natsumi Shimada University of Tsukuba Email Profile CV
Masahiro Shoji Seijo University Email Profile CV
John Smith Rutgers University-Camden Email Profile CV
Hongwei Song University of Arkansas Email Profile CV
Li Sun Research Center of Finance, Shanghai Business School Email Profile CV
Zoltan Szabo Department of Finance and Accounting, University of Pecs Email Profile CV
Hirokazu Takizawa Chuo University Email Profile CV
Joshua Tasoff Claremont Graduate University Email Profile CV
Michael Taylor University of Notre Dame Email Profile CV
Michel Tenikue Luxembourg Email Profile CV
Timm Teubner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany Email Profile CV
Yossef Tobol Jerusalem College of Technology Email Profile CV
Irwan Trinugroho LAPE, Université de Limoges Email Profile CV
Theodore Turocy University of East Anglia Email Profile CV
Hamza Umer Graduate School of Economics, Waseda University Email Profile CV
Vincenzo Valori Universita di Firenze Email Profile CV
Lari Arthur Viianto University of Guanajuato Email Profile CV
Marc Vorsatz Universidad Nacional de Educatión a Distancia Email Profile CV
Christian A. Vossler University of Tennessee, Knoxville Email Profile CV
Radu Vranceanu ESSEC Business School Email Profile CV
Jana Vyrastekova Radboud University, Nijmegen Email Profile CV
Markus Walzl Innsbruck University Email Profile CV
Simon Weidenholzer University of Essex Email Profile CV
Arne Robert Weiss University of Erfurt Email Profile CV
D Wiessen Professor Bonn Email Profile CV
D Wiessen Professor Bonn Email Profile CV
Zhao Xiaojun School of Economics, Peking University Email Profile CV
Katsunori Yamada Faculty of Economics, Kindai University Email Profile CV
Yumi Yoshida Graduate School of Environmental Studies Tohoku University Email Profile CV
Michael Zabinski Trinity College Dublin Email Profile CV
Nan Zhang University of Trento Email Profile CV
Ya Zhou School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University Email Profile CV
Sergio da Silva Federal University of Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
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