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Olivier L'haridon CREG Université de Rennes Email Profile CV
Yannick L'horty Gustave Eiffel University Email Profile CV
Jean-paul L'huillier Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance Email Profile CV
Guillaume L'oeillet University of Rennes 1, CREM, IFP Email Profile CV
Elena L. del Mercato DISES and CSEF, Universia degli Studi di Salerno Email Profile CV
Rahhal LAHRACH CREM, University of Caen Low-Normandy Email Profile CV
PHILIP R. LANE Trinity College Dublin Email Profile CV
Morgane LAOUENAN GREQAM Email Profile CV
Amandine LARE-DONDARINI CREAM Email Profile CV
Annick LARUELLE University of Caen Email Profile CV
Laurence LASSELLE University of Saint-Andrew Email Profile CV
Kang-Soek LEE Novancia Business School Paris Email Profile CV
JIHONG LEE Birkbeck College, London Email Profile CV
Elsa LEROMAIN Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) Email Profile CV
Xiao LI Central University of Finance and Economics Email Profile CV
Yanli LI Wuhan University Email Profile CV
Kian Ping LIM Labuan School of International Business & Finance, Universiti Malaysia Sabah Email Profile CV
Chen Xiang LIU EconomiX, Université de Paris X—Nanterre Email Profile CV
Humberto LLavador U. Pompeu Fabra Email Profile CV
Gerard LLobet CEMFI Email Profile CV
Dara LONG Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University Email Profile CV
Javier Mateo LOPEZ CUÑAT Universidad de Alicante Email Profile CV
Jean-Marie LOZACHMEUR Toulouse School of Economics (GREMAQ-CNRS and IDEI) Email Profile CV
VOLODYMYR LUGOVSKYY Indiana University Email Profile CV
ZHAOTIAN LUO University of Chicago Department of Political Science Email Profile CV
Hai Anh La University of Canberra Email Profile CV
ELIANA La Ferrara University of Bocconi Email Profile CV
Manfredi La Manna Department of Economics, University of St Andrews Email Profile CV
Tiziana La Rocca Depart. of Economics, Business, Environment and Quantitative Methods, University of Messina, Italy Email Profile CV
Maurizio La Rocca University of Calabria Email Profile CV
Jaslean La Taillade U. Email Profile CV
Jaelani La masidonda Universitas Darusalam Ambon Email Profile CV
Jennifer La'o MIT Email Profile CV
Courtney LaFountain The University of Texas at Arlington Email Profile CV
Robert J. LaLonde University of Chicago Email Profile CV
Giulia LaMattina Boston University Email Profile CV
Helinä Laakkonen Bank of Finland Email Profile CV
Mohamed ali labidi Labidi University of Carthage Tunis, Tunisia Email Profile CV
Moez Labidi University of Monastir, FSEG Mahdia Email Profile CV
Widede Labidi ESC-Business School (ESCT). Univ. of Manouba & ECSTRA Laboratory, Tunisia. Email Profile CV
Etidel Labidi Tunisia Polytechnic School / Faculty of economics sciences and management of Tunis Email Profile CV
Fabien Labondance UNIVERSITE DE LA REUNION Email Profile CV
Claire Labonne ENSAE-ParisTech & CEPII Email Profile CV
Julien Labonne Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford Email Profile CV
Paola Labrecciosa Trinity College Dublin and University of Bologna Email Profile CV
Walter Labys West Virginia University Email Profile CV
Walter Labys West Virginia University Email Profile CV
Maricruz Lacalle Autonomous University of Madrid Email Profile CV
Ana Lacerda Universidade Nova de Lisboa Email Profile CV
Nicola Lacetera Case Western Reserve University Email Profile CV
Eric antony Lacey World Bank Email Profile CV
Stefan Lachenmaier IFO Institute for Economic Research Email Profile CV
Marta Lachowska W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Email Profile CV
Juan A. Lacomba University of Granada Email Profile CV
Juan Antonio Lacomba University of Granada - GaMes Email Profile CV
Donald Lacombe Ohio University Email Profile CV
Marc Lacoursière Université Laval Email Profile CV
Emily Lacroix Union College Email Profile CV
Richard Lacroix National Center for Public Administration and Local Government Email Profile CV
Sarolta Laczo IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE Email Profile CV
Yash Laddha Indian Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Daniel Ladley University of Leicester Email Profile CV
Norbert Ladoux University of Toulouse I Email Profile CV
Maria gabriela Ladu University of Sassari Email Profile CV
Katharina Laengle University of Paris I Email Profile CV
Jean-Pierre Laffargue Paris School of Economics Email Profile CV
Gilles Lafforgue University of Toulouse, Toulouse Business School Email Profile CV
Gaël Lagadec University of New caledonia, LARJE, CRESICA Email Profile CV
Gael Lagadec University of New Caledonia, LARJE Email Profile CV
David Lagakos Boston University Email Profile CV
Gianluca Lagana Ministry of Economics and Finance, Italy Email Profile CV
Emmanuel Lagarde Université de Bordeaux, Inserm Email Profile CV
Mylène Lagarde London School of Economics and Political Science Email Profile CV
Christian Lager University of Graz Email Profile CV
Johan Lagerlof Berlin Email Profile CV
Nippe Lagerlöf York University Email Profile CV
Alex Lages UEPG Email Profile CV
Alex Lages UEPG Email Profile CV
Pedro Lages dos santos Université du Havre (France) Email Profile CV
El Moctar Laghlal LEO Email Profile CV
El moctar Laghlal Université d'Orléans, LEO FRE 2014 Email Profile CV
Santiago Lago-Peñas REDE and University of Vigo Email Profile CV
Thomas Lagoarde-Segot KEDGE Business School Email Profile CV
Elena Lagomarsino Università degli Studi di Genova Email Profile CV
Konstantinos Lagos Sheffield Hallam University Email Profile CV
Francisco Lagos U. Sevilla Email Profile CV
Francisco Miguel Lagos Garcia University of Granada Email Profile CV
Sara Lagoubi The National School of Business and Management of Tangier, University Abdelmalek Essaadi Email Profile CV
Raffaele Lagravinese Roma Tre University Email Profile CV
Lamia Laguir Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité Email Profile CV
Issam Laguir Montpellier Business School, Montpellier Research in Management (MRM) Email Profile CV
Roger Lagunoff Georgetown University Email Profile CV
Giorgio Laguzzi University of Freiburg in the Mathematical Logic Group Email Profile CV
Agenor Lahatte INRETS, Paris Email Profile CV
Yaron Lahav Ben-Gurion University Email Profile CV
Eyal Lahav The School of Business Administration, The College of Management Academic Studies, Israel Email Profile CV
Jerome Lahaye CeReFiM Email Profile CV
Delphine Lahet LAREFI - University of Bordeaux Email Profile CV
Amine Lahiani LEO, University of Orléans, Orélans, France Email Profile CV
Shreya Lahiri Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, Hyderabad Campus Email Profile CV
Radhika Lahiri Queensland University of Technology Email Profile CV
Kajal Lahiri SUNY - Albany Email Profile CV
Bidisha Lahiri Oklahoma State University Email Profile CV
Sajal Lahiri Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Email Profile CV
Sweta Lahiri PhD Fellow, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta Email Profile CV
Somdeb Lahiri SPM, PDPU Email Profile CV
Ratul Lahkar Inidan Institute of Managment Udaipur Email Profile CV
Rim Lahmandi-ayed Industrial Economy Email Profile CV
Rim Lahmandi-ayed University of Carthage, ESSAI, L.R. MASE (LR21ES21) Email Profile CV
Michael Lahr Rutgers University, Center for Urban Policy Research Email Profile CV
Rahhal Lahrach bMADEO, Université Mohamed I, Ecole Supérieure de Technologie, Oujda Morocco Email Profile CV
Abdelmounaim Lahrech British University in Dubai Email Profile CV
Yu-Bong Lai Department of Public Finance , National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Ya-wen Lai Department of Finance, National Formosa University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Thomas Wen-Long Lai Chinese Culture University Email Profile CV
Hung-Pin Lai National Chung Cheng University Email Profile CV
Fu-Chuan Lai National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Jennifer T Lai Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Email Profile CV
Yu-cheng Lai Shih Chien University Email Profile CV
Chih-fang Lai National Taiwan University Email Profile CV
Wan-fei Lai UCSI University Email Profile CV
Puqing Lai Zhejiang University Email Profile CV
Wan-ni Lai SKEMA Business School – Université Côte d''Azur, France Email Profile CV
Siow li Lai Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya Email Profile CV
Yu-bong Lai Dept. of Public Finance, National Chengchi University Email Profile CV
Wen-Hsiang Lai Feng Chia University Email Profile CV
William wei-jen Lai Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance, Taipei, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Junping Lai Fudan University, Shanghai, China Email Profile CV
Minh Binh Lai Foreign Trade University Email Profile CV
Edwin Lai Dallas Federal Reserve Bank Email Profile CV
Gary Lai University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Cheng-chung Lai National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Chen-Hsiu Laih National Taiwan Ocean University Email Profile CV
Christopher Laincz Drexel University Email Profile CV
Jean Laine Département Économie, Finance, Assurance, Banque (EFAB) Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) Email Profile CV
Derek Laing Syracuse University Email Profile CV
Jean Lainé Ensai Email Profile CV
Francois Laisney BETA-Theme, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, and ZEW, Mannheim Email Profile CV
David D. Laitin Stanford University Email Profile CV
Azhaar Lajmi University of Tunisia GEF2A-Lab, Higher Institute of Management of Tunis Email Profile CV
Amira Lajmi GAINS-ARGUMANS, Le Mans University (France) Email Profile CV
Azhaar Lajmi University of Tunis, GEF2A-Lab Email Profile CV
Rima Lajnaf Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax Email Profile CV
Aeimit Lakdawala MSU Email Profile CV
James Lake Johns Hopkins University Email Profile CV
Faten Lakhal Léonard de Vinci Pôle Universitaire, Research Center, Paris La Défense Email Profile CV
Sebastian Lakner University of Goettingen Email Profile CV
Valeriya V. Lakshina National Research University Higher School of Economics Email Profile CV
Samrina Lal cust Email Profile CV
Guy Lalanne INSEE-CREST Email Profile CV
Aurelie Lalanne University of Bordeaux GREThA Email Profile CV
Etienne Lale Université du Québec à Montréal Email Profile CV
Thierry Lallemand Université Libre de Bruxelles Email Profile CV
Vaibhav Lalwani Indian Institute of Management Raipur Email Profile CV
Pun Lee Lam The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Email Profile CV
Eddery Lam Rochester Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Kachi Lam Department of Building and Construction, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Kin Lam Hong Kong Baptist University Email Profile CV
Ha Thanh Lam Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam Email Profile CV
Viola Lamani Univ. Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, ART-Dev (UMR 5281) Email Profile CV
Viola Lamani University of Bordeaux Email Profile CV
Carlos Lamarche University of Kentucky Email Profile CV
Sylvie Lambert Paris School of Economics Email Profile CV
Peter Lambert Univeristy of Oregon Email Profile CV
Nicolas Lambert Stanford University Email Profile CV
Marielle Lambert-le mener IREDU Email Profile CV
Fernanda Lamberti Federal University of Santa Maria Email Profile CV
Luca Lambertini University of Bologna Email Profile CV
Eliane Lambertz University of Dortmund and Ruhr Graduate School in Economics Email Profile CV
Timothy Lambie-hanson Suffolk University Email Profile CV
Stephane Lambrecht Universite de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, Laboratoire IDP and EQUIPPE, CORE Email Profile CV
Martien Lamers Ghent University Email Profile CV
Kamal Lamichhane University of Tsukuba Email Profile CV
Ahlem Lamine Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax-Tunisia Email Profile CV
Joachim Lammert University of Leipzig Email Profile CV
Ana Lamo European Central Bank Email Profile CV
Ali Lamoudhi College of Business Administration in AL Rass, Qassim University, KSA Email Profile CV
Lorenzo Lampariello Department of Business Studies, Roma Tre University Email Profile CV
Elina Lampi Gothenberg University Email Profile CV
Kamal Lamsal University of Iowa Email Profile CV
Laurent Lamy CREST-INSEE Email Profile CV
Yuexing Lan Auburn University Montgomery Email Profile CV
Shi fan Lan Narxoz University Email Profile CV
Xiaohuan Lan Fudan University Email Profile CV
Luis Lanaspa Faculty of Economics Business Studies, University of Zaragoza Email Profile CV
Cintya Lanchimba Escuela Politécnica Nacional Email Profile CV
Francesco Lancia U. Vienna Email Profile CV
Kira Lancker Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig Email Profile CV
Dimitri Landa NYU Email Profile CV
Camille Landais London School of Economics Email Profile CV
Claudia Landeo University of Alberta Email Profile CV
Jim Landers Indiana Legislative Services Agency Email Profile CV
Massimiliano Landi School of Economics, Singapore Management University Email Profile CV
Henrik Lando Copenhagen Business School Email Profile CV
Mattia Landoni Boston Fed Email Profile CV
Peter Landry Duke University Email Profile CV
Anthony Landry Bank of Canada Email Profile CV
Michael Landsberger Department of Economics, Haifa University Email Profile CV
Jakob Landwehr Bielefeld University Email Profile CV
Fidelis Landy University of Helsinki, Economics Department Email Profile CV
Matthew Lang Xavier University Email Profile CV
christine Lang Dpt of Econometrics, University of Geneva Email Profile CV
Jerome Lang University of Paris-Dauphine Email Profile CV
Jerome Lang Paris-Dauphine University Email Profile CV
Matthias Lang Free University berlin Email Profile CV
Jerome Lang IRIT Email Profile CV
Bree J Lang Xavier University Email Profile CV
Thomas Lange University of Konstanz and ifo Institute Munich Email Profile CV
Andreas Lange Hamburgh Email Profile CV
Matthew Lange McGill University Email Profile CV
Fabien Lange Keleti Faculty of Economics Email Profile CV
Dominika Langenmayer Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt Email Profile CV
Thomas Langer University of Muenster Email Profile CV
Corinne Langinier University of Alberta Email Profile CV
Eric Langlais Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre Email Profile CV
Sébastien Langlois EPEE, Université d''Evry Val d''Essonne Email Profile CV
François Langot GAINS-TEPP, ERMES, Cepremap and IZA Email Profile CV
Ryan Langrill George Mason University Email Profile CV
Audun Langørgen Statistics Norway Email Profile CV
Tomgouani Lanie University of Kara (Togo) Email Profile CV
Peter Lanjouw Londion School of Economics Email Profile CV
Gountiéni damien Lankoande Université Norbert ZONGO Email Profile CV
Markku Lanne University of Helsinki Email Profile CV
Paul Lanoie Commissaire au développement durable Vérificateur général du Québec Email Profile CV
Gauthier Lanot Umea University Email Profile CV
Kevin Lansing Fed Reserve of San Francisco Email Profile CV
Alessandro Lanteri Dep. Public Policy and Public Choice, Fac. Political Science, University of Eastern Piedmont at Alessandria Email Profile CV
Bruno Lanz University of Neuchatel Email Profile CV
Matteo Lanzafame Università degli Studi di Messina Email Profile CV
Edgar Lanzer Department of Management, Santa Catarina South University Email Profile CV
Thomas Lanzi Université de Lorraine, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, BETA Email Profile CV
Bibiana Lanzilotta Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y de Administración UdelaR Email Profile CV
Morgane Laouenan GREQAM Email Profile CV
Rahma Laouiti University Sousse Email Profile CV
Harvey E Lapan Iowa State Uinversity Email Profile CV
Athanasios Lapatinas University of Ioannina Email Profile CV
Beverly Lapham Queen's University, Canada Email Profile CV
Alain Lapied Aix Marseille Univ (Aix-Marseille School of Economics), CNRS & EHESS Email Profile CV
Giedre Lapinskiene Vilnius Gediminas Tech Univ, Vilnius, Lithuania Email Profile CV
Audrey Laporte University of Toronto Email Profile CV
Jean-marie Laporte University of Montpellier Email Profile CV
Pauli Lappi University of Helsinki Email Profile CV
Ion Lapteacru LAREFI, Department of Economics, University of Bordeaux Email Profile CV
Ni Lar JSPS Research Fellow Email Profile CV
Jaime Lara Lara Universidad de Monterrey Email Profile CV
Asma Larafa Higher Institute of Management of Tunis Email Profile CV
Rida Laraki CNRS, University of Dauphine, Ecole Polytechnique Email Profile CV
Titi Laras Universitas Janabadra Yogyakarta Email Profile CV
Françoise Larbre Paris Nanterre University Email Profile CV
Mario Larch University of Bayreuth Email Profile CV
Martin Larch European Commission Email Profile CV
Valentino Larcinese London School of Economics and Political Science Email Profile CV
Sandrine Lardic University of Paris X - Nanterre - MODEM Email Profile CV
Aymeric Lardon GATE LSE Email Profile CV
Maxime Large Université Gustave Eiffel Email Profile CV
Ana Lariau IMF Email Profile CV
Benjamin Larin Jönköping International Business School Email Profile CV
Martin A. Lariviere Northwestern University Email Profile CV
Vittorio Larocca Luiss University Email Profile CV
Tiziana Larocca University of Calabria Email Profile CV
Catherine Laroche-dupraz Agrocampus Ouest, UMR1302, Email Profile CV
Guy Laroque CREST Email Profile CV
Grace Laroque Towson University Email Profile CV
Alexis Larousse CREST, Ecole polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France Email Profile CV
Dimitri Laroutis Em Normandie Email Profile CV
Maurice Larrain Pace University Email Profile CV
Gemma Larramona University of Zaragoza Email Profile CV
M. concepción Larrea Prof University of the Basque Country Email Profile CV
Concepcion Larrea UPV_EHU Email Profile CV
Horacio Larreguy Harvard University Email Profile CV
Juan MC Larrosa Universidad Nacional del Sur Email Profile CV
Juan M.C. Larrosa Department of Economics - Universidad Nacional del Sur Email Profile CV
Birthe Larsen Copenhagen Business School Email Profile CV
Douglas Larson University of California at Davis Email Profile CV
Emmanuel Lartey Cal State Fullerton Email Profile CV
Darren Larue University of Windsor Email Profile CV
Bruno Larue Univeristy of Laval Email Profile CV
Annick Laruelle Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) and Ikerbasque Email Profile CV
Stefan Laseen Sveriges Riksbank Email Profile CV
Ron Lashever Illinois Email Profile CV
José manuel Lasierra University of Zaragoza (Spain) Email Profile CV
Katharina Laske University of Cologne Email Profile CV
Jean-Francois Laslier Laboratoire d''Econometrie, Ecole Polytechnique Email Profile CV
Hajer Lasram IHEC-Université de Carthage; unité MASE-ESSAI and Aix-Marseille School of Economics Email Profile CV
Jean-michel Lasry Université Paris-Dauphine Email Profile CV
Pierre Lasserre UQAM Email Profile CV
Andrea Lassmann University of Mainz Email Profile CV
Casilda Lasso de la vega University of the Basque Country Email Profile CV
Naima Lassoued Higher School of Business Email Profile CV
Naima Lassoued TheBusiness School of Tunis, ManoubaUniversity. Tunisia Email Profile CV
Mongi Saad Lassoued MOFID and LAMED-University of Sousse-Tunisia Email Profile CV
William Lastrapes University of Georgia Email Profile CV
Maciej Latek George Mason University Email Profile CV
Ehsan Latif Thompson Rivers University Email Profile CV
María C Latorre Universidad Complutense de Madrid Email Profile CV
Laure Latruffe INRAE, France Email Profile CV
Sophia Latsos Leipzig U Email Profile CV
Helene Latzer Universite Catholique de Louvain Email Profile CV
Morten Lau Copenhagen BS Email Profile CV
Paul Lau University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Morten Lau Newcastle Email Profile CV
Wee-yeap Lau Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, Email Profile CV
Lin sea Lau Faculty of Business and Finance, University Tunku Abdul Rahman (Kampar Campus), Malaysia Email Profile CV
Evan Lau Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) Email Profile CV
Chikeung Marco Lau International Business School, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK. Email Profile CV
Wai-Chun Lau The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Evan Lau Lau Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Email Profile CV
Chi keung marco Lau University of Huddersfield Email Profile CV
Sandro Laudares Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais Email Profile CV
Audrey Laude Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orléans Email Profile CV
Marita Laukkanen Government Institute for Economic Research, Finland Email Profile CV
Louise Laurence Towson University Email Profile CV
Franckx Laurent Royal Military Academy of Belgium Email Profile CV
Hélène Laurent University of Namur Email Profile CV
Sebastien Laurent AMSE Unv Aix Marseille Email Profile CV
Jérémy Laurent-lucchetti University of Geneva Email Profile CV
Carolina Laureti University of Groningen Email Profile CV
Jorgen Lauridsen Institute of Public Helath Email Profile CV
Marcio P Laurini University of Sao Paulo-RP Email Profile CV
Márcio P. Laurini FEA-RP USP and CNPq Email Profile CV
Susan K Laury GSU Email Profile CV
Tobias Lausen University of Hannover Email Profile CV
Didier G. Laussel Aix-Marseille University (Aix-Marseille School of Economics), CNRS & EHESS Email Profile CV
Didier Laussel Aix-Marseille Univ., CNRS, EHESS, Centrale Marseille, AMSE Email Profile CV
Luc Lauwers KU Leuven Email Profile CV
Pablo Lavado Universidad del Pacifico Email Profile CV
Emmanuelle Lavallee Dauphine University Email Profile CV
Manogaran Lavaneesvari USM Email Profile CV
Doron Lavee Tel Hai Academic College, Department of Economics and Management Email Profile CV
Carole Laverlochère CHROME Email Profile CV
Camille Laville CERDI Email Profile CV
Marc Lavoie University of Ottawa Email Profile CV
Siong hook Law Universiti Putra Malaysia Email Profile CV
Chee-hong Law School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia Email Profile CV
David Law University of Bangor Email Profile CV
Michael Law Centre for Health Services and Policy Research UBC Email Profile CV
Abdelaziz Lawani UK Email Profile CV
Jacques Lawarree University of Washington Email Profile CV
Peter Lawrence Keele University, UK Email Profile CV
Roger Lawrey FBEPS , UBD Email Profile CV
Dzidzogbé hechely Lawson Money Finance and Development (MoFiD) research team in FaSEG, University of Lomé Email Profile CV
Robert Lawson Auburn University Email Profile CV
Late A. Lawson Univ Strasbourg, BETA, CNRS, Strasbourg Email Profile CV
Kerianne Lawson North Dakota State University Email Profile CV
Assion Lawson sipoaka LINC/UCAD Email Profile CV
Jann Lay German Institute for Global and Area Studies Email Profile CV
Stephen Layson UNC Greensboro Email Profile CV
Adi Lazar Bar-Ilan University Email Profile CV
Adi Lazar Bar-Ilan University Email Profile CV
Evelina Lazareva University of Nottingham Email Profile CV
Panagiotis Lazaridis Agricultural University of Athens Email Profile CV
Nicholas Lazarou UCL Email Profile CV
Emiliya Lazarova University of Birmingham Email Profile CV
Naneida Lazarte alcala Oklahoma Department of Human Services Email Profile CV
Edward Lazear Stanford University Email Profile CV
Itziaz Lazkano NA Email Profile CV
Martinho R. Lazzari Secretaria de Planejamento do Estado do RS (Brazil) Email Profile CV
Chiara Lazzarin Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei - FEEM Email Profile CV
Elisabetta Lazzaro ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles, and MATISSE-Ecole Email Profile CV
Natalia Lazzati U of Arizona Email Profile CV
Thuy Viet Le National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam Email Profile CV
Thi Minh Huong Le Huazhong University of Technology and science Email Profile CV
Phong Thai Le Faculty of Business Administration, Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam Email Profile CV
Van Le University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) Email Profile CV
Ha Le Mekong Development Research Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam Email Profile CV
Tam Xuan Le BacNinh department of Science and Technology Email Profile CV
Thao Le Georgia State U Email Profile CV
Tu DQ Le University of Economics and Law Email Profile CV
Hieu Quang Le Hong Duc University Email Profile CV
Nha Quoc Le Becamex Business School, Eastern International University Email Profile CV
Anh Phuong Le Vietnam National University, University of Economics and Business Email Profile CV
Huubinh B Le University of South Alabama Email Profile CV
Tho Le Bookman Email Profile CV
Tam T.H. Le Nam Dinh University of Technology Education, Vietnam Email Profile CV
Thi-thuy-linh Le University of Paris Dauphine and DIAL-IRD Email Profile CV
Kien Le Louisiana State University Email Profile CV
Thai ha Le RMIT University (Vietnam Campus) Email Profile CV
Quan V. Le Seattle University Email Profile CV
Thanh Le University of Queensland Email Profile CV
Duc Le National Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi Email Profile CV
Ha-chi Le Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Email Profile CV
Thai-ha Le Fulbright University, Vietnam & IPAG Business School, France Email Profile CV
Violet Le Southern Methodist University Email Profile CV
Cuong Van Le IPAG,CNRS, Paris School of Economics, TIMAS Email Profile CV
Thanh Quoc Le Universite Paris-Saclay, Univ Evry, IMT-BS, LITEM, 91025,Evry-Courcouronnes, France Email Profile CV
Blake Le Baron Brandeis University Email Profile CV
Christian Le Bas GATE, Lyon Email Profile CV
Patrick Le Bihan U. Toulouse Email Profile CV
Hervé Le Bihan Banque de France Email Profile CV
Michel Le Breton TSE Email Profile CV
Christine Le Clainche ENS Cachan Email Profile CV
Tristan Le Cotty Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développement Email Profile CV
Tanguy Le Fur NYU Email Profile CV
Julie Le Gallo Université de Franche-Comté Email Profile CV
Chantal Le Mouël INRA Email Profile CV
Anne-Laure Le Nadant Normandie University and CREM Email Profile CV
Le Thi Phuong Vy Le Thi Phuong Vy University of Economics HoChiMinh City Email Profile CV
Cuong Le Van CNRS, PSE Email Profile CV
David Le bris KEDGE Business School, France Email Profile CV
Philippe Le coent Université Montpellier 1, UMR 5474 LAMETA, F-34000 Montpellier, France Email Profile CV
Chloe Le coq Stockholm School of Economics and SITE Email Profile CV
Julie Le gallo CESAER UMR1041, AgroSup Dijon, INRAE, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France Email Profile CV
Gilles Le garrec OFCE - Sciences Po Email Profile CV
Fabrice Le guel Université Paris Saclat Email Profile CV
Nicolas Le pape CREM-TEPP, University of Caen, France Email Profile CV
Benjamin Le pendeven Audencia Business School Email Profile CV
Gaëtan Le quang EconomiX, GATE LSE, Université Paris Nanterre Email Profile CV
Antoine Le riche University of Maine (GAINS-TEPP, IRA), CAC -- IXXI, Complex Systems Institute, France Email Profile CV
Sara Le roux Oxford Brookes University Email Profile CV
Thomas Le texier Université de Rennes 1, CREM - UMR 6211 CNRS Email Profile CV
Tanguy Le-Fur Université de Lille Email Profile CV
Marie-anne Le-dain Grenoble INP Email Profile CV
Yannick LePen University Paris Dauphine Email Profile CV
Stephen LeRoy University of California, Santa Barbara Email Profile CV
James LeSage Texas State University Email Profile CV
Andrew Leach University of Alberta Email Profile CV
John Leach Department of Economics, McMaster University Email Profile CV
Dermot Leahy National University of Ireland -Maynooth Email Profile CV
Arthur S. Leahy Internal Revenue Service and William Howard Taft University Email Profile CV
Mariel Leal Technologico de Monterrey Email Profile CV
Juliano augusto R Leal Institute of Technological Education Email Profile CV
Hooi hooi Lean Universiti Sains Malaysia Email Profile CV
Hooi hooi Lean Universiti Sains Malaysia Email Profile CV
Noam Leandri Banque de France Email Profile CV
Jeremias Leao Department of Mathematics - Federal University of Piaui / Picos, PI, Brazil Email Profile CV
Clare Leaver Oxford University Email Profile CV
Christian Lebas ESDES Institute of Sustainable Business and Organization - University Catholique de Lyon Email Profile CV
Laura Lebastard Paris Sud University Email Profile CV
Alex Lebedinsky Western Kentucky University Email Profile CV
Thomas Lebesmuehlbacher Xavier University Email Profile CV
Laetitia Lebihan University of Reunion Island Email Profile CV
Greg Leblanc Concordia University Email Profile CV
Asli Leblebicioglu North Carolina State University Email Profile CV
Antoine Leblois INRA, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique. Montpellier. Email Profile CV
Gaël Leboeuf CERGAM - Aix-Marseille University Email Profile CV
Isabelle Lebon CERENE, University of Le Hare Email Profile CV
Marie Lebreton University of Bordeaux 4/ GRETHA Email Profile CV
Marjorie Lecerf Paris School of Business Email Profile CV
Sébastien Lechevalier EHESS Email Profile CV
Michael Lechner University of St Gallen Email Profile CV
Lucia Lechová Technical University of Košice Email Profile CV
Tobias Lechtenfeld World Bank Email Profile CV
Wolfgang Lechthaler Kiel Institute for the World Economy Email Profile CV
Tikva Lecker Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University Email Profile CV
Sébastien Lecocq French Agricultural Research Institute (INRA) INRA-ALISS, Ivry- sur-Seine Email Profile CV
Sophie Lecostey Normandie Univ, UNICAEN, CREM-UMR CNRS 6211 Email Profile CV
Christelle Lecourt CeReFiM Email Profile CV
Guilhem Lecouteux École Polytechnique, Laboratoire d'économétrie PREG-CECO (CNRS, UMR 7176) Email Profile CV
Pauline Lectard Université de Montpellier, ART Dev, UMR 5281 Email Profile CV
Pauline Lectard Montpellier University Email Profile CV
Ivan Ledezma Université de Bourgogne Email Profile CV
John O. Ledyard California Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Ying-Ying Lee Nuffield College, University of Oxford Email Profile CV
ChunShen Lee Department of Economics Email Profile CV
Jong hwa Lee Korea University Email Profile CV
Seung hoon Lee Gerogia Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Joosung Lee Seoul National University Email Profile CV
Yong suk Lee Stanford University Email Profile CV
Chien-Chiang Lee Nanchang Email Profile CV
Chen-hsun Lee Department of Money and Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Email Profile CV
Hwa-taek Lee Korea Securities Depository Email Profile CV
Kangoh Lee SDSU Email Profile CV
Shyan-Yuan Lee National Taiwan University Email Profile CV
Jeong-Dong Lee SNU Email Profile CV
Changmin Lee Tokyo Institute of Techonology Email Profile CV
Jun yeong Lee Pusan National University Email Profile CV
Dongryul Lee Department of Economics, Virginia Tech Email Profile CV
Daniel S. Lee Plymouth State University Email Profile CV
Adrian Lee U of Tech Sydney Email Profile CV
Jaeyoon Lee Chung-Ang University Email Profile CV
Cheng-te Lee Chinese Culture University Email Profile CV
Jin Lee National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Soyeon Lee Business School, University of Edinburgh Email Profile CV
Dongryul Lee Department of Economics, Sungshin University Email Profile CV
Wei-Wei Lee National Dong Hwa University Email Profile CV
Hock-ann Lee Universiti Malaysia Sabah Email Profile CV
Jaeyoung Lee University of Central Florida Email Profile CV
Jongsu Lee SNU Email Profile CV
Jen-Sin Lee I-Shou University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Pei-ling Lee Multimedia University Email Profile CV
Cheng-te Lee Chinese Culture University Email Profile CV
Chiung-ying Lee Chang Jung Christian University Email Profile CV
Jaehwa Lee Dongguk University-Seoul Email Profile CV
Seungchul Lee Samsung Economic Research Institute Email Profile CV
Chia-Yen Lee National Cheng Kung University Email Profile CV
Gunhaeng Lee National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Jihong Lee yonsei university Email Profile CV
Sanghoon K Lee Hallym University Email Profile CV
Chin Lee Universiti Putra Malaysia Email Profile CV
Yen-Hsien Lee Department of Finance, Vanung University Email Profile CV
Jangwook Lee Ewha Womans University Email Profile CV
Dong jin Lee Sangmyung University Email Profile CV
Hugo hin-to Lee Sciences Po, France Email Profile CV
Chien-Chiang Lee Department of Applied Economics, National Chung Hsing University Email Profile CV
Dongwoo Lee VIRGINIA TECH Email Profile CV
Junmin Lee Seoul National University Email Profile CV
Chien-Chiang Lee Department of Applied Economics, National Chung Hsing University Email Profile CV
Sang Hyup Lee Southeastern Louisiana University Email Profile CV
Kuan-Hui Lee SNU Email Profile CV
Dongryul Lee UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) Email Profile CV
Shin-chyang Lee Department of International Trade, Chihlee Institute of Technology, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Jungtaek Lee Dongguk University Email Profile CV
Jiyoung Lee KYOBO Securities Co., Ltd. Email Profile CV
Joonsuk Lee UCLA Email Profile CV
Sungro Lee Korea Gas Corporation Email Profile CV
Steven Lee IEAS Email Profile CV
Sunhyung Lee Montclair State University Email Profile CV
Kuei-Chiu Lee Department of Cooperative Economics, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan. Email Profile CV
Sangmok Lee Caltech Email Profile CV
Chul-In Lee SungKyunKwan University Email Profile CV
Hyeon Ok Lee Kyung Hee University Email Profile CV
Junsoo Lee University of Alabama Email Profile CV
Myoung-jae Lee Korea University Email Profile CV
Junsang Lee The Australian National University Email Profile CV
Soung Chan Lee Plymouth State University Email Profile CV
Mei-yu Lee Department of Applied Finance Email Profile CV
Sang-ho Lee Chonnam National University Email Profile CV
Wing-ting Lee Department of Finance, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Yeonok Lee Rochester Email Profile CV
Jeff Lee Washington University Email Profile CV
Jangyoun Lee University of Cambridge Email Profile CV
Lee-Men Lee Department of Business Administration, Fu Jen Catholic University Email Profile CV
Yong-ju Lee Yeungnam University Email Profile CV
Soyoung Lee OSU Email Profile CV
Chang-Ming Lee College of Business, Feng Chia University Email Profile CV
Alexander Lee Rochester University Email Profile CV
Inkoo Lee Soongsil University Email Profile CV
Meng-horng Lee Hong Leong Investment Bank Bhd Email Profile CV
DongJoon Lee Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Email Profile CV
Chen-hsun Lee Department of Money and Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Email Profile CV
Hsu-Yub Lee National Chung Cheng University Email Profile CV
Nayoung Lee University of Cincinnati Email Profile CV
Jungyeoun Lee University of Exeter Email Profile CV
Junsoo Lee University of Alabama Email Profile CV
Yong-Gil Lee Korea Institute of Science and Technology Email Profile CV
Cassey Lee The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus Email Profile CV
Chia-hao Lee Department of Finance, National Chung Hsing University Email Profile CV
Huai-i Lee WuFeng University Email Profile CV
Inkoo Lee Vanderbilt Unviersity Email Profile CV
Gea Lee Singapore Management University Email Profile CV
Yeana Lee Yonsei University Email Profile CV
Hae-young Lee Kangnam University Email Profile CV
H T Lee Griffith University, Australia Email Profile CV
Jin Lee Ewha Womans University Email Profile CV
Jim Lee Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi Email Profile CV
Chien-Chiang Lee Department of Applied Economics, National Chung Hsing University Email Profile CV
Seung Hoon Lee Georgia Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Mark J. Lee Towson University Email Profile CV
Nai Jia Lee National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Shu-kam Lee Hong Kong Shue Yan University Email Profile CV
Jaewoo Lee IMF Email Profile CV
Jay Lee UNSW Email Profile CV
Yoon-Jin Lee Kansas State Email Profile CV
Insook Lee Peking University HSBC Business School Email Profile CV
Young Lee Hanyang University Email Profile CV
Steven J. Lee National University, California State Polytechnic University Email Profile CV
Wonjae Lee Korea National Defense University Email Profile CV
Yoon-Jin Lee Indiana University Email Profile CV
Yok-yong Lee Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Malaya Email Profile CV
Wai Lee university of Nevada, Reno Email Profile CV
Wen-Chieh Lee Washington University in St. Louis Email Profile CV
Jen-Yao Lee Department of International Business, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Science Email Profile CV
Ming-Chih Lee Department of Banking and Finance, Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Wei-ming Lee Department of Economics, National Chung Cheng University Email Profile CV
Tsung-Chen Lee National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Junsang Lee Sungkyunkwan University Email Profile CV
Yen-Hsien Lee Department of Finance, Vanung University, 1 Van-Nung Road, Chung-Li, Tao-Yuan (32061), Taiwan, Republic of China Email Profile CV
Jaehyuk Lee Auburn University Email Profile CV
Jiwoong Lee Maastricht University Email Profile CV
Alvina syn-yee Lee Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Email Profile CV
Wang Sheng Lee Deakin Email Profile CV
DongJoon Lee Kyoto University of Economics Email Profile CV
Meng-wai Lee Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya Email Profile CV
In Ho Lee Seoul National University Email Profile CV
Wo-chiang Lee Department of Banking and Finance,Tamkang University Email Profile CV
JIhong Lee Seoul National University Email Profile CV
Raymond Lee Benedict College Email Profile CV
Sangmok Lee Caltech Email Profile CV
Samantha Lee Universiti Malaysia Sabah-Labuan International Campus Email Profile CV
Joonhyung Lee University of Memphis Email Profile CV
Jinkwon Lee Sogang University Email Profile CV
Heyung-Jik Lee Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration, Hokkaido University Email Profile CV
Chung Cheng Lee Department of Business Administration, Chaoyang University of Technology Email Profile CV
Yvonne L.E. Lee Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia Email Profile CV
Kian-tek Lee Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Email Profile CV
Chul-in Lee Seoul National University Email Profile CV
Mansokku Lee State University of New York at Geneseo Email Profile CV
Yao-hsien Lee Chung Hwa Univeristy Email Profile CV
Sang-ho Lee Chonnam National University Email Profile CV
Jonathan M. Lee East Carolina University Email Profile CV
Daeyong Lee Peking University HSBC Business School Email Profile CV
Chien-chiang Lee National Sun Yat-sen University Email Profile CV
Wen-chieh Lee Department of Economics, National Chengchi University Email Profile CV
Frederic Lee University of Missouri-Kansas City Email Profile CV
Tae suk Lee Korea Development Institute Email Profile CV
Cheng Te Lee Department of International Trade, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Stan Lee shun pinn School of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaysia Sabah Email Profile CV
Stefan Leeffers Nova School of Business Email Profile CV
Robert M. Leekley Illinois Wesleyan University Email Profile CV
Eric Leeper University of Indiana Email Profile CV
Peter Leeson George Mason University Email Profile CV
Laura Leete University of Oregon Email Profile CV
Gareth David Leeves Monash University Email Profile CV
Mathieu Lefebvre Université de Liège Email Profile CV
Perrin Lefebvre Paris School of Economics Email Profile CV
Kevin Lefebvre University of Paris Sud Email Profile CV
Kevin Lefebvre CEPII Email Profile CV
Lars Lefgren Brigham Young University Email Profile CV
Jean Lefoll HEC, Université de Genève, Switzerland, Email Profile CV
Yassine Lefouili CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain and PSE, Université Paris-1 Email Profile CV
Yassine Lefouili Toulouse School of Economics Email Profile CV
Arnaud Lefranc THEMA, University of Cergy-Pontoise Email Profile CV
Arnaud Lefranc CY Cergy Paris Université Email Profile CV
Vincent Lefrere Institut Mines Telecom, Business School Email Profile CV
Berangere Legendre lunven Université de Savoie, IREGE Email Profile CV
Maelan Legoff Banque de France Email Profile CV
Gabriella Legrenzi Keele University Email Profile CV
Patrick Legros Université Libre de Bruxelles Email Profile CV
Diego Legros Univ Dijon Email Profile CV
Patrick Legros Free University of Brussels Email Profile CV
J. sebastian Leguizamon West Virginia University Email Profile CV
Alfred Lehar University of Calgary Email Profile CV
M. christian Lehmann University of Brasilia, Department of Economics, Brazil Email Profile CV
Robert Lehmann ifo Institute, Munich Email Profile CV
Etienne Lehmann CRED - University Pantheon Assas (Paris 2) and CREST Email Profile CV
Niklas V. Lehmann Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg Email Profile CV
Marco Lehmann-waffenschmidt TU Dresden Email Profile CV
Thorsten Lehnert Radboud University Nijmegen Email Profile CV
Brandon Lehr Occidental College Email Profile CV
Evelyn Lehrer University of Illinois at Chicago Email Profile CV
Kim Lehrer Univiversity of Sherbrooke Email Profile CV
Eero Lehto Labour Institute for Economic Research Email Profile CV
Andreas Leibbrandt Monash University Email Profile CV
Fernando Leibovici Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Email Profile CV
Paul N. Leiby Oak Ridge National Laboratory Email Profile CV
Jessica Leight American University Email Profile CV
Jonathan Edward Leightner Augusta University Email Profile CV
Nasri Leila Facfaulty of Economics and Management of Sousse, Tunisia Email Profile CV
Nouira Leila GREQAM, université de la méditerranée Email Profile CV
Lisa Leinert ETH Zurich Email Profile CV
Wolfgang Leininger Dortmund University (TU) Email Profile CV
Wolfgang Leininger University of Dortmund Email Profile CV
Timm Leinker ZBW Email Profile CV
Kristina Leipold Dresden University of Technology Email Profile CV
Rodrigo Leite Rio de Janeiro State University Email Profile CV
Tore Leite Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Email Profile CV
Rodrigo Leite Rio de Janeiro State University Email Profile CV
Áydano Ribeir Leite Universidade Regional do Cariri Email Profile CV
Paulo A. M. Leite Filho UFPB Email Profile CV
Manuel Leite Monteiro CATOLICA-LISBON Email Profile CV
Campbell Leith University of Glasgow Email Profile CV
Sebastian Leitner Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies Vienna, Austria Email Profile CV
Alexandra Leitão Universidade Católica Portuguesa Email Profile CV
João Leitão Universidade da Beira Interior Email Profile CV
Nuno carlos Leitão ESGTS, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, and CEFAGE, University of Èvora Email Profile CV
Martim Leitão Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics Email Profile CV
Danilo Leiva Bank of Spain Email Profile CV
Pedro henrique Leivas FURG Email Profile CV
Arjan Lejour CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic policy Analysis Email Profile CV
Jana Lekešová Mendel University in Brno Email Profile CV
Sonny Leksono Wisnuwardhana University Email Profile CV
Vedran Lelas Plymouth State University Email Profile CV
Stephane Lemarie GAEL - INRA, University Pierre Mendes-France Email Profile CV
André Lemelin Centre Urbanisation Culture Société Email Profile CV
Wolfgang Lemke ECB Email Profile CV
Derek Lemoine University of Arizona Email Profile CV
Sabine Lemoyne de forges Economic Department - Ecole Polytechnique - France Email Profile CV
Ana Belén Lemus CNE - Spain Email Profile CV
Ana B. Lemus Comision Nacional de Mercados y Competencia, Spain Email Profile CV
Sanjaya Kumar Lenka Indian Institute of Technology Indore Email Profile CV
Robert Lensink University of Groningen Email Profile CV
Martijn Lentz Netherlands Chamber of Commerce Email Profile CV
Teng wah Leo St Francis Xavier University Email Profile CV
Gregory Leo UC Santa Barbara Email Profile CV
Plata Leobardo Facultad de Economia de la UASLP Email Profile CV
Roberto Leombruni Department of Economics “S. Cognetti de Martiis”, University of Turin Email Profile CV
Marcelo Leon Universidad Ecotec Email Profile CV
Angel Leon Universidad de Alicante Email Profile CV
Costas Leon Democritus University, Greece. New York College, Greece. Email Profile CV
Florian Leon University of Luxembourg - CREA Email Profile CV
Gonzalo Leon Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Email Profile CV
Gabriel Leon Cambridge University Email Profile CV
Gianmarco Leon Universitat Pompeu-Fabra Email Profile CV
Roberto Leon-Gonzalez National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies Email Profile CV
Miguel Leon-Ledesma University of Kent Email Profile CV
Daniel Leonard Flinders University Email Profile CV
Kenneth Leonard University of Maryland Email Profile CV
Marco Leonardi Università Statale Milano Email Profile CV
Marinella Leone University of Pavia Email Profile CV
Kenneth Leong Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre Email Profile CV
Choi-meng Leong Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Email Profile CV
Chee Kian Leong University of Nottingham Ningbo Email Profile CV
Nadine Leonhardt University of Duisburg-Essen Email Profile CV
Thomas Leoni Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) Email Profile CV
Leonidas Leonidou University of Cyprus Email Profile CV
Rannia Leontaridi Richmond Email Profile CV
Jigme Lepcha Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Highe Learning Email Profile CV
Patrice Lepelletier UniLasalle Email Profile CV
Dominique Lepelley CEMOI University of La Réunion Email Profile CV
Antoine Lepetit Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Email Profile CV
Laetitia Lepetit Université de Limoges Email Profile CV
Jason J Lepore Orfalea College of Business, Califonia Polytechnic State University Email Profile CV
Solange Leproux ISTAT Email Profile CV
Anat Lerner The Open University Email Profile CV
Justin Leroux HEC Montreal Email Profile CV
Marie Louise Leroux UQAM Email Profile CV
Aurélien Leroy LEO (Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orléans) Email Profile CV
Denis Lescop Telecom & Management Sud PAris Email Profile CV
Denis Lescop Montpellier Business School Email Profile CV
Guillaume Lescuyer CIFOR Email Profile CV
Jacob Leshno Columbia Business School Email Profile CV
Josip Lesica McMaster University, Department of Economics Email Profile CV
Emily Leslie Brigham Young University Email Profile CV
Christian Lessmann TU Braunschweig Email Profile CV
Albert Lessoua ESCE Email Profile CV
Jean-yves Lesueur Université Lyon Email Profile CV
Jean-Yves Lesueur GATE Email Profile CV
Marc-André Letendre McMaster University Email Profile CV
Jodi Letkiewicz York University Email Profile CV
David Letson University of Miami/RSMAS/Marine Affairs Email Profile CV
Marco Letta Sapienza Università di Roma Email Profile CV
Stefan Lettis University of Nevada Reno Email Profile CV
Andreas Leukert University of Munich Email Profile CV
Oksana Leukhina University of Washington Email Profile CV
Oksana Leukhina University of Washington Email Profile CV
Guy C.K. Leung The University of Manchester Email Profile CV
Ambrose Leung Bishop's University Email Profile CV
Michael Leung Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Ambrose Leung Mount Royal University Email Profile CV
Pak Ho Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Wai Kit Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Danny Leung Statistics Canada Email Profile CV
Tin cheuk Leung Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Charles Leung City University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Winnie S. Leung School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Edwin Leuven University of Oslo Email Profile CV
Rosella Levaggi University of Brescia Email Profile CV
Gad Levanon The Conference Board Email Profile CV
M. Vittoria Levati Max Planck Institute Jena Email Profile CV
Edward Levavasseur Aix-Marseille University Email Profile CV
Andrei Levchenko U. Michigan Email Profile CV
Peter Levell Institute for Fiscal Studies Email Profile CV
Mark Levels Maastricht University Email Profile CV
John Levendis Loyola New Orleans Email Profile CV
Alec Levenson University of Southern California Email Profile CV
Leslie Levesque IHS Global Insight Email Profile CV
Eugenio Levi Sapienza University of Rome Email Profile CV
Grégory Levieuge Bank of France Email Profile CV
Andy Levin Federal Reserve Board Email Profile CV
Dan Levin Ohio State University Email Profile CV
David K. Levine Washington University in St. Louis Email Profile CV
Paul Levine University of Surrey Email Profile CV
Ross Levine University of California - Berkeley Email Profile CV
Ross Levine University of Minnesota Email Profile CV
Rene Levinsky Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education Email Profile CV
Arik Levinson Georgetown University Email Profile CV
Steven Levkoff UCSD Email Profile CV
Amir Levkowitz Ben-Gurion University Email Profile CV
Alon Levran Tel Aviv University Email Profile CV
Enrico Sergio Levrero Università degli Studi Roma Tre Email Profile CV
Matthew R Levy London School of Economics Email Profile CV
Gilat Levy LSE Email Profile CV
Daniel Levy Bar-Ilan University and Emory University Email Profile CV
Dudi Levy Bar-Ilan University Email Profile CV
Nadav Levy nterdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya Email Profile CV
Amnon Levy School of Economics, University of Wollongong Email Profile CV
Ori Levy Economics Department, University of Haifa, ISRAEL Email Profile CV
Moshe Levy Hebrew University of Jerusalem Email Profile CV
Louis Levy-garboua Paris School of Economics Email Profile CV
René Levínský Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education -- Economics Institute Email Profile CV
Byron Lew Trent University Email Profile CV
Monika Lewandowska - kalina Warsaw School of Economics Email Profile CV
Vivien Lewis Ghent University and Goethe University Frankfurt, IMFS Email Profile CV
Blane Lewis Australian National University Email Profile CV
Edward Lewis Parkland College Email Profile CV
David Lewis Oregon State University Email Profile CV
Fabian B Lewis Ministry of Finance and Public Service, Jamaica Email Profile CV
Kurt Lewis University of Iowa Email Profile CV
Jacek Lewkowicz University of Warsaw Email Profile CV
Eduardo Ley IMF Email Profile CV
Stephen Leybourne Department of Economics, University of Nottingham Email Profile CV
Jeremy Leymarie EDHEC Email Profile CV
Jeremy Leymarie University of Orléans Email Profile CV
Pedro Leão UECE/REM: ISEG/ULisbon Email Profile CV
Jeremias Leão Department of Statistics, Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil Email Profile CV
Emanuel Leão ISCTE Business School (IBS), Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Portugal Email Profile CV
Carmelo León University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Email Profile CV
Jinzhi Li School of Ecology, Lishui University Email Profile CV
Zhe Li Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Email Profile CV
Shuyun, may Li University of Melbourne Email Profile CV
Dingding Li University of Windsor Email Profile CV
Ziran Li Chinese Academy of Sciences Email Profile CV
Zhenglin Li Tianjin Yinghua Experimental School Email Profile CV
Jing Li South Dakota State University Email Profile CV
Hui Li School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham, the United Kingdom. Email Profile CV
Ming Li Concordia University Email Profile CV
Li Hua Li College of Finance, Hunan University, Changsha, 410079, China Email Profile CV
Gang Li Toyo University Email Profile CV
Defu Li School of Economics and management, Tongji University Email Profile CV
Tongzhe Li University of Delaware Email Profile CV
Mengdan Li Department of Economics and Business, Hokkaido University Email Profile CV
Ming-Yuan Li Graduate Institute of Finance and Banking, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Victor Li University of Villanova Email Profile CV
Zhi Li University of Washington Email Profile CV
Zheng-Zheng Li Ocean University of China Email Profile CV
Xiaoye Li National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Ying Li School of Business, SUN YAT-SEN University Email Profile CV
Jinlu Li Shawnee State University Email Profile CV
Huachen Li Kenyon College Email Profile CV
xiaoming Li Massey Email Profile CV
Li-ting Li Department of Public Finance, National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Mei Li University of Guelph Email Profile CV
Ka Fai Li Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Xiyue Li Wesleyan University Email Profile CV
Xianghong Li York Universitt Email Profile CV
Qian Li Kyushu University Email Profile CV
Fangjhy Li Department of Finance, Hsing Kuo University of Management Email Profile CV
Mingfei Li Bentley University Email Profile CV
Yao Li Sichuang Agriculture University Email Profile CV
Ishuan Li Minnesota State University Mankato Email Profile CV
Jinfang Li Luoyang Normal University Email Profile CV
Huimin Li West Chester University of Pennsylvania Email Profile CV
Dong Li Department of Economics, Kansas State University Email Profile CV
Hongjun Li International School of Economics and Management at CUEB Email Profile CV
Yuke Li Yale University Email Profile CV
Hongjun Li Tsinghua University Email Profile CV
Jian-fa Li Department of Finance, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Hong Li Brandeis University Email Profile CV
Raymond Li The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Email Profile CV
Yuanshun . Li Ryerson University, Toronto Email Profile CV
Fan Li University of Florida Email Profile CV
Geng Li University of Michigan Email Profile CV
Zhigang Li University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Jianhui Li Johns Hopkins University Email Profile CV
Qiushan Li University of Calgary Email Profile CV
Ming Li Concordia Email Profile CV
Bing Li Indiana University Email Profile CV
Youping Li The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Email Profile CV
Jianpei Li University of International Business and Economics Email Profile CV
Jian Li Zhejiang Gongshang University Email Profile CV
Zheng Li Jilin University Email Profile CV
Chen Li The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Bin Li Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Australia Email Profile CV
Zhiyong Li University of Nottingham Email Profile CV
Chunding Li Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Email Profile CV
Huan Li North Carolina A&T University Email Profile CV
Bin Li University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Email Profile CV
Fengfei Li Deakin University Email Profile CV
Jinjing Li University of Canberra Email Profile CV
Daniel Li University of Durham Email Profile CV
Guoqiang Li Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau Email Profile CV
Shengwu Li Harvard Email Profile CV
Xiangmin Li College of Economics, Liaoning University of Technology Email Profile CV
Shaomin Li Old Dominion University Email Profile CV
Qi Li Texas A&M Email Profile CV
Hongyi Li The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Jiawen Li Lancaster University Email Profile CV
Jingyuan Li Lingnan University Email Profile CV
Jing Li Lingnan (University) College,Sun Yat-sen University Email Profile CV
Leon Y. O. Li Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Email Profile CV
King king Li Max Planck Institute of Economics Email Profile CV
Gang Li Nanjing Audit University Email Profile CV
Xingbing Li Zhengzhou Information Engineering University Email Profile CV
Bin Li University of Chicago Email Profile CV
Dongdong Li xian jiaotong university Email Profile CV
Zhiyuan Li Fudan U Email Profile CV
Hui Li Department of Economics, Eastern Illinois University Email Profile CV
Tao Li University of Macau Email Profile CV
Chaozheng Li University of Kansas Email Profile CV
Yue Li UIBE Email Profile CV
Jianpei Li University of International Business and Economcis Email Profile CV
Sherry Li UT Dallas Email Profile CV
Elton hei-tung Li Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Zhi Li University of Washtingon Email Profile CV
Keqiang Li School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University Email Profile CV
Yanyin Li School of Finance, Renmin University of China Email Profile CV
Bin Li University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Email Profile CV
Yuan Li University of Duisburg-Essen Email Profile CV
Yi Li Southern Methodist University Email Profile CV
Cheng Li Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Email Profile CV
Hui Li Eastern Illinois University Email Profile CV
Guangzhong Li City University of New York Email Profile CV
Xiezhang Li Georgia Southern University Email Profile CV
Xue Li Hunan University Email Profile CV
Lily Li Georgia State University Email Profile CV
Yuan Li Stockholm China Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics Email Profile CV
Xin Li Texas A&M University Email Profile CV
Wen-Fu Li National Chengchi University Email Profile CV
Sha Li University of Kassel Email Profile CV
Yang Li National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Fei Li Univerisity of North Carolina Email Profile CV
Xia Li School of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Email Profile CV
Mark Li Leeds University Business School Email Profile CV
Jiawei Li University of Nottingham Email Profile CV
Rong Li Renmin University of China Email Profile CV
Ian Li University of Western Australia Email Profile CV
Kai Li University of British Columbia Email Profile CV
Hong-zhou Li Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China Email Profile CV
Raymond Li Hong Kong Polytechnic University Email Profile CV
Carmen Li University of Essex Email Profile CV
Zhao Li Donghua University Xuri School of Business Administration Email Profile CV
Jipei Li Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Delong Li University of Guelph Email Profile CV
Yuee Li University of Florida Email Profile CV
Simiao Li Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration, Sapporo, Japan Email Profile CV
Yan Li School of Economics, University of the Thai Chamber of Comerce Email Profile CV
Wenli Li Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Email Profile CV
Mingzhu Li Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University Email Profile CV
Chen Li The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Yihao Li Audencia, School of Management Email Profile CV
Honghui Li Graduate School of Economics and Business, Hokkaido University Email Profile CV
Changying Li Shandong University Email Profile CV
Dunli Li Queen's University Belfast Email Profile CV
Duozhe Li Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Hao Li University of British Columbia Email Profile CV
Jing Li Miami University Email Profile CV
Zheng Li CUNY Graduate Center Email Profile CV
Chuhui Li Monash Univeristy Email Profile CV
Danyang Li Hofstra University Email Profile CV
David Li Tsinghua University Email Profile CV
Ben Li Boston College Email Profile CV
Jianpei Li University of International Business and Economcis Email Profile CV
Xiang Li IWH Halle Email Profile CV
Jie Li Institute of Industrial Economics, Jinan University, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China Email Profile CV
Youping Li School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology Email Profile CV
Bingqiang Li School of Entrepreneurship, Lishui University Email Profile CV
Chow Li shien Department of Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia Email Profile CV
Leonardo Liacovone World Bank Email Profile CV
Irini Liakopoulou Prof. University of Viterbo, la Tuscia (Italy) and UNISUIS, London Email Profile CV
Chen Lian UC Berkeley Email Profile CV
Meng-yu Liang Academia Sinica Email Profile CV
Hua Liang George Washington University Email Profile CV
Wen-Jung Liang National Dong-Hwa University Email Profile CV
Woan-lih Liang Department of International Business, National Taiwan University Email Profile CV
Chiung-ju Liang National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Email Profile CV
Yijuan Liang Southwest University Email Profile CV
Pinghan Liang Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Email Profile CV
Chin-Chia Liang Department of Business Administration, National Chung-Hsing University Email Profile CV
Jin-Ming Liang Department of Information Management, Hsing Kuo University of Management Email Profile CV
Run Liang Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Email Profile CV
Hsin-yu Liang Feng Chia University Email Profile CV
Ling Liang Zhengzhou Information Engineering University Email Profile CV
Chin-Chia Liang Department of Finance, Da-Yeh University Email Profile CV
Chin chia Liang Department of Finance, Da-Yeh University Email Profile CV
Fenlian Liang Finance School, SUIBE Email Profile CV
Qi Liang Nankai University Email Profile CV
Qibin Liang CAPEM Email Profile CV
Yousha Liang The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Wen-Jung Liang Tamkang University Email Profile CV
Pei-cheng Liao National Taiwan University Email Profile CV
Pei-an Liao Department of Economics, Shih Hsin University Email Profile CV
Yu-hsien Liao Department of Applied Mathematics, National Pingtung University, Taiwan. Email Profile CV
Rui-xian Liao Department of Applied Mathematics, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Junmin Liao Center for Economic Development Research, Wuhan University Email Profile CV
Chen-hsuan Liao National Chengchi University Email Profile CV
Fangqing Liao Warran College, University of California: San Diego, Beijing, China Email Profile CV
Yu-Hsien Liao Department of Applied Mathematics, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Mouhua Liao Xiamen University Email Profile CV
Wen-Chi Liao National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Lusi Liao University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Email Profile CV
Lusi Liao Institute of Strategy Research for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Email Profile CV
Fangxian Liao Graduate School of Economics, Waseda University, Japan Email Profile CV
Junmin Liao Center for Economic Development Research, Wuhan University Email Profile CV
Jen-Che Liao Academia Sinica Email Profile CV
Pei-ju Liao Institute of Economics, Academia, Sinica Email Profile CV
Chuan Liao Cornell University Email Profile CV
Wei Liao Hong Kong Monetary Authority Email Profile CV
Shu-yi Liao Department of Applied Economics, Nation Chung Hsing University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Yu-hsien Liao Department of Applied Mathematics, National Pingtung University, Taiwan. Email Profile CV
Zara Liaqat University of Waterloo Email Profile CV
Carlos F Liard-muriente Central Connecticut State University Email Profile CV
Panagiotis Liargovas University of Thessaly Email Profile CV
Shao yi Liaw Economics programme, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University Email Profile CV
Paolo Liberati University Roma Tre, Department of Economics Email Profile CV
Federica Liberini KOF, ETH Zurich Email Profile CV
Alexander Libman German Institute for International and Security Affairs SWP Email Profile CV
Matheus P Libório Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais Email Profile CV
Marco Licalzi Università Ca' Foscari Venezia Email Profile CV
Gerardo Licandro Central Bank of Uruguay Email Profile CV
Omar Licandro Insitute for Economic Analysis, Barcelona Email Profile CV
Julien Licheron University of Rennes 1, CREM Email Profile CV
Christoph Lieb Interdisciplinary Institute for Environmental Economics, University of Heidelberg, and Ecoplan, Bern Email Profile CV
Yufan Lieluo University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Email Profile CV
Gudbrand Lien Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences Email Profile CV
Hsien-Ming Lien National Chengchi University Email Profile CV
Don Lien The University of Texas at San Antonio Email Profile CV
Christopher Liese NOAA Email Profile CV
Caterina Liesegang TU Berlin Email Profile CV
Torsten Lietzmann Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Email Profile CV
Venus khim-sen Liew Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Email Profile CV
Venus KS Liew University Malaysia Sarawak Email Profile CV
Kelly Lifchez College of Charleston Email Profile CV
Ethan Ligon University of California, Berkeley Email Profile CV
Yuan-shuh Lii Feng Chia University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Peirchyi Lii Department of Management Sciences, Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Jean-jacques Lilti University of Rennes 1, CREM CNRS 6211 Email Profile CV
Jaratin Lily Universiti Malaysia Sabah Email Profile CV
Beatrice Lim Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah Email Profile CV
Dickson Lim School of Economics, De La Salle University - Manila Email Profile CV
Kian-Ping Lim Labuan School of International Business and Finance, University Malaysia Sabah Email Profile CV
Jong-Soo Lim Kwangwoon University Email Profile CV
Sonya Seongyeon Lim DePaul University Email Profile CV
Steven Lim Waikato University Email Profile CV
William Lim York University Email Profile CV
Chong heng Lim Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia Email Profile CV
Jamus Lim University of California, Santa Cruz Email Profile CV
Shiok ye Lim Labuan School of International Business and Finance, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Email Profile CV
Kok-tiong Lim Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya Email Profile CV
Wooyoung Lim Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Email Profile CV
Hyungue Lim Bryant University Email Profile CV
Chin Lim National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Chee-ming Lim The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus Email Profile CV
Edward Lim Tunghai Email Profile CV
Sokchea Lim John Carroll University Email Profile CV
Eduardo Lima Banco Central do Brasil Email Profile CV
Francisco S Lima UERN Email Profile CV
Francisco Soares Lima State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) Email Profile CV
Marcus Lima Department of Management, Santa Catarina South University Email Profile CV
Fabiano Guasti Lima University of Sao Paulo Email Profile CV
João Lima Universidade Federal de Vicosa Email Profile CV
Luiz Lima Getulio Vargas Foundation Email Profile CV
Marcus V. Lima Federal University of Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
Eduardo Lima Banco Central do Brasil Email Profile CV
Patrícia V.P.S. Lima Federal University of Ceará Email Profile CV
Fabiano G Lima University of São Paulo Email Profile CV
Francisco Lima Instituto Superior Técnico Email Profile CV
Luiz Lima UTK Email Profile CV
Francisco Lima Center for Management Studies of IST (CEG-IST), Technical University of Lisbon Email Profile CV
Francisco L Lima filho EPGE - FGV/RJ Email Profile CV
Jose marcelo Lima filho Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Email Profile CV
Luiz Lima junior Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Email Profile CV
Luiz A. Lima júnior Federal University of Juiz de Fora Email Profile CV
N Limao Univ.of Maryland Email Profile CV
Erick Limas Freie Universitat Berlin Email Profile CV
Erick Limas Freie Universität Berlin Email Profile CV
Erick Limas Freie Universität Berlin Email Profile CV
Christopher Limnios Providence College Email Profile CV
Reynier Limonta montero Oriente University Email Profile CV
Michele Limosani University of Messina Email Profile CV
Eric S Lin National Tsing Hua University Email Profile CV
Koong,H-C. Lin Ming Hsin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (R.O.C) Email Profile CV
Sung-chi Lin Department of Economics, National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Mon-li Lin Takming University of Science of Technology Email Profile CV
Yu-hsiang Lin Financial officer, Army Captain of Taiwan (R.O.C) Email Profile CV
Ping Lin Lingnan University Email Profile CV
C-H Lin National Chengchi University, Taipei Email Profile CV
Kung-Cheng Lin Feng Chia University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Mei-yin Lin Department of Economics, Shih Hsin University Email Profile CV
Charles C Lin US Census Email Profile CV
Chun-Cheng Lin Insitute of Academia Sinica Email Profile CV
Ching-yi Lin Department of Economics, National Tsing Hua University Email Profile CV
Yen-ju Lin Department of Economics, Feng Chia University Email Profile CV
Hsiou-wei Lin Department of International Business, National Taiwan University Email Profile CV
Kung-Cheng Lin Hsiuping Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Cho-Min Lin Ling Tung University Email Profile CV
Hsuan-chih Lin Academia Sinica Email Profile CV
Cheng-Hsiang Lin Department of Statistics and Department of Finance, Tunghai University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Tsui-fang Lin National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Faqin Lin CUFE Email Profile CV
Chun-Hung Lin Tamkang University Email Profile CV
Jeng-Bau Lin Department of Business Administration, National Chung-Hsing University Email Profile CV
Chung-cheng Lin Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Email Profile CV
Chin-Tsai Lin Graduate Institute of Business and Management, Yuanpei University Email Profile CV
Wan-Rung Lin Graduate Institute of Business and Management, Yuanpei University Email Profile CV
Brian chi-ang Lin Professor, Department of Public Finance, National Chengchi University Email Profile CV
Yen-ju Lin Department of Public Finance and Taxation, National Taichung University of Science and Technology Email Profile CV
Shin-jong Lin Department of Economics, Ming Chuan University Email Profile CV
Hsin-yi Lin Department of Economics, National Chengchi University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Pei-Chien Lin Tamkang University Email Profile CV
Hung pin Lin Department of International Business & Trade Email Profile CV
Wen-ying Lin University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC Email Profile CV
Ming hsin Lin Faculty of Economics, Osaka University of Economics Email Profile CV
Li Lin Royal Holloway University of London Email Profile CV
Yen-ling Lin Tamkang University Email Profile CV
Chang-Ching Lin National Cheng Kung University Central University Email Profile CV
Ming Hsin Lin Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University Email Profile CV
Shu-Chin Lin SungKyunKwan University Email Profile CV
Chih-Pin Lin Aletheia University Email Profile CV
Hung-han Lin Graduate School of International Social Sciences, Yokohama National University Email Profile CV
Yu-Chen Lin Department of Accountancy, National Cheng Kung University Email Profile CV
Ching-chung Lin Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology Email Profile CV
Tin-chun Lin Indiana University - Northwest Email Profile CV
Yan-Shu Lin National Down Hwa University Email Profile CV
Xu Lin Wayne State University Email Profile CV
Sung-chi Lin Department of Economics, National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Rui Lin Vanderbilt University Email Profile CV
Kun-li Lin Department of Finance, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan. Email Profile CV
Su-yuan Lin Graduate Institute of Management Sciences, Tamkang University, Taipei, TAIWAN Email Profile CV
Mei-Rong Lin National Chengchi University Email Profile CV
Tin-chun Lin Indiana University - Northwest Email Profile CV
Feng-li Lin Chaoyang University of Technology Email Profile CV
Li Lin Shandong University Email Profile CV
C.-Y. Cynthia Lin University of California at Davis Email Profile CV
Chi-Chih Lin Department of Economics, Fo Guang University Email Profile CV
Jin-Lung Lin National Dong Hwa University Email Profile CV
Chun-wei Lin Department of Finance, National Sun Yet-sen University Email Profile CV
Shu Lin School of Economics Fudan University Email Profile CV
Yan-Shu Lin National Dong Hwa University Email Profile CV
Cheng-Chang Lin National Cheng Kung University Email Profile CV
Chao-hsien Lin National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Email Profile CV
Yi Chun Lin Washington Univ Email Profile CV
Shuanglin Lin UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Email Profile CV
Ming-Jen Lin National Taiwan University Email Profile CV
Mei-yin Lin Shih Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Yih-ming Lin National Chiayi University Email Profile CV
Huei-wen Lin Department of Finance and Banking, Aletheia University Email Profile CV
Panlang Lin University of Zurich Email Profile CV
Sera Linardi University of Pittsburgh Email Profile CV
Maia Linask Johns Hopkins University/University of Richmond Email Profile CV
Jo thori Lind University of Oslo Email Profile CV
Solina Lindahl Cal Poly Email Profile CV
Mikael Linden Department of Health and Social Management, University of Eastern Finland Email Profile CV
Heiner Lindenlaub NERA Economic Consulting Email Profile CV
Ilse Lindenlaub European University Institute Email Profile CV
Ines Lindner Free University, Amsterdam Email Profile CV
Tobias Lindner University of Karlsruhe Email Profile CV
Marko Lindroos University of Helsinki Email Profile CV
Richard Lindrooth University of Colorado Email Profile CV
David Lindsay California State University, Stanislaus Email Profile CV
Robin Lindsey University of British Columbia Email Profile CV
Tai-hu Ling Universiti Malaysia Sabah Email Profile CV
Jörg Peter Lingens University of Münster Email Profile CV
Fabricio Linhares Graduate Program in Economics, Federal University of Ceara (CAEN/UFC) Email Profile CV
Sebastian Link ifo Institute Email Profile CV
Ludger Linnemann University of Dortmund Email Profile CV
Genaro Dueire Lins Banco Itau Email Profile CV
Oliver Linton University of Cambridge Email Profile CV
Ming-huan Liou Department of Economics, National Central University Email Profile CV
Wayne Liou University of Hawaii at Manoa Email Profile CV
Kim Hiang Liow National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Vilen Lipatov Goethe University Frankfurt Email Profile CV
Vilen Lipatov CompetitionSphere Email Profile CV
Jody W Lipford Presbyterian College, Email Profile CV
Irwin Lipnowski Department of Economics, University of Manitoba Email Profile CV
Elliot Lipnowski Columbia University Email Profile CV
Jonathan Lipow Defense Resources Management Institute Email Profile CV
Louis Lippens Universiteit Gent Email Profile CV
Steffen Lippert University of Auckland Email Profile CV
Francesco Lippi University of Sassari Email Profile CV
Marco Lippi Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza" Email Profile CV
Francesco Lippi Banca D'Italia Email Profile CV
Matteo Lippi Bruni University of Bologna Email Profile CV
Viviani Silva Lirio UFV Email Profile CV
PET13 Lisbon Catolica Lisbon SBE Email Profile CV
Maurizio Lisciandra University of Messina Email Profile CV
Jeremy Lise University College London Email Profile CV
Gaetano Lisi Telematic University Email Profile CV
Gaetano Lisi University of Cassino and Southern Lazio Email Profile CV
Domenico Lisi University of Catania Email Profile CV
Christian List LSE Email Profile CV
Cristian M. Litan Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Email Profile CV
Christian Litchepah tambo University of Yaoundé II Email Profile CV
Anastasia Litina University of Luxembourg Email Profile CV
Anastasia Litina University of Macedonia Email Profile CV
Anastasia Litina University of Macedonia Email Profile CV
Alexandra Litsa Center of Research in Economics and Management Email Profile CV
Stephan Litschig National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies Email Profile CV
Stephan Litschig Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona GSE Email Profile CV
Joseph Little University of New Mexico Email Profile CV
Ying Liu GREQAM university aix marseille 2 Email Profile CV
Yanbo Liu Singapore Management University, School of Economics, Students Email Profile CV
Haoming Liu National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Pak-Wai Liu Chinese Univeristy Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Hung-Chun Liu Department of Banking & Finance, Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Rui Liu University of California, Irvine Email Profile CV
John chung-en Liu National Taiwan University Email Profile CV
Chih-chen Liu National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Alice Liu Department of International Business, National Taiwan University Email Profile CV
Hongbo Liu Seoul National UNiversity Email Profile CV
Fang jun Liu Guangdong Ocean University Cunjin College Email Profile CV
Steven Zongshin Liu Feng Chia University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Yue Liu Belarusian State University Email Profile CV
Qing Liu Zhongnan Email Profile CV
Yi-Pei Liu Doctoral Program of the Graduate School of Accounting, Department Of Accounting National Taipei University Taiwan Email Profile CV
Ya-Ming Liu National Check Kung University Email Profile CV
Xiaohui Liu The University of Luton Email Profile CV
Yong Liu China University of Political Science and Law Email Profile CV
Liqun Liu Texas A&M University Email Profile CV
Shih-Chia Liu Department of Statistics, Tunghai University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Pengfei Liu University of Connecticut Email Profile CV
Yi Liu University of Reading Email Profile CV
Lirong Liu Texas A&M University-Commerce Email Profile CV
Xin Liu Renmin University of China Email Profile CV
Kerry Liu The University of Sydney Email Profile CV
Jia Liu Salford University Email Profile CV
Jeff Liu Jeff Economics Workroom; FCI Nantong Ltd.; Shanghai University of Finance & Economics Email Profile CV
Yongzheng Liu Renmin University of China Email Profile CV
Qing Liu Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Kang Liu Dept. Agricultural Economics National Taiwan University Email Profile CV
He Liu School of Business Administration of Northeastern University Email Profile CV
Benjamin Liu Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Australia Email Profile CV
Weiwei Liu Texas Christian Univ Email Profile CV
Wen-Chi Liu Department of Business Administration, Da Yeh University, Changhua, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Qian Liu Kobe University Email Profile CV
Xuepeng Liu Kennesaw State University Email Profile CV
Dandan Liu Kent State University Email Profile CV
Tsui-ting Liu College of Management, Yuan Ze University Email Profile CV
Ding Liu Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Email Profile CV
Xiaochun Liu University of Alabama Email Profile CV
Pan Liu Iowa State Univ Email Profile CV
Liqun Liu Texas A&M University Email Profile CV
Yaobin Liu Fudan University Email Profile CV
Bo Liu Southern New Hampshire University Email Profile CV
Lucy Qian Liu International Monetary Fund Email Profile CV
Heng Liu University of Michigan Email Profile CV
Jianhe Liu Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics (ZUFE) Email Profile CV
Xiaoguang Liu Renmin University of China Email Profile CV
Yanjie Liu Renmin University of China Email Profile CV
Ting-kun Liu Department of Finance, Chaoyang University of Technology Email Profile CV
Xiaoyan Liu Durham University Business School Email Profile CV
Qingfeng Liu Otaru University of Commerce Email Profile CV
Yunping Liu College of Economics and Finance, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou, Fujian, 362021, China. Email Profile CV
Yan Liu University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Email Profile CV
De-chih Liu National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Jia Liu University of Portsmouth Email Profile CV
Nien-Pen Liu Department of Economics, Aletheia University Email Profile CV
Qiao Liu Guanghua School of Management, Peking University Email Profile CV
Yun Liu Shandong University, China Email Profile CV
Yuchen Liu Columbia University Email Profile CV
Shanshan Liu Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, CHINA Email Profile CV
Jing Liu Chapman University Email Profile CV
Bibo Liu Tsinghua University Email Profile CV
Jialu Liu Allegheny College Email Profile CV
Long Liu UT San Antonio Email Profile CV
Tsai-ching Liu Department of Public Finance, National Taipei University, Taiwan Email Profile CV
Yi Liu The University of Reading Email Profile CV
Antung A Liu UC San Diego Email Profile CV
Chu-An Liu Academia Sinica Email Profile CV
Dongpeng Liu University of California, Riverside Email Profile CV
Zhiqiang Liu University at Buffalo Email Profile CV
Lin Liu University of Southern California Email Profile CV
Yang Liu Dalian University of Technology Email Profile CV
Yuelin Liu Lingnan (University) College, Sun Yat-Sen University Email Profile CV
Yang Liu Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health Email Profile CV
Shi-miin Liu National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Zheng Liu SF Fed Email Profile CV
Ting Liu Stony Brook University Email Profile CV
Weifeng Liu Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University Email Profile CV
Chorng-jian Liu Department of Economics, National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Xiaojin Liu The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Yingying Liu Department of Economics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023,China Email Profile CV
Xuan Liu East Carolina University Email Profile CV
Lu Liu Lund University Email Profile CV
fengquan Liu MUSASHI AUTO PART INC. CANADA Email Profile CV
Rui Liu UC Irvine Email Profile CV
Yi Liu Institute of Public Safety Research, Tsinghua University Email Profile CV
Yang Liu Asia Pacific Institute of Research, and Institute of Social and Economic Research,Osaka University Email Profile CV
Franklin Liu National Chiao Tung University Email Profile CV
Yongzheng Liu Georgia State University Email Profile CV
Yue Liu Central University of Finance and Economics Email Profile CV
Weiguang Liu Nagoya University Email Profile CV
Jinyu Liu The University of International Business and Economics Email Profile CV
Jane Liu University of Nebraska Omaha Email Profile CV
Chun-Chu Liu Department of International Business, Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan, R.O.C. Email Profile CV
Chun Chu Liu Chang Jung Christian University Email Profile CV
Haiyong Liu East Carolina university Email Profile CV
Wan-hsin Liu Kiel Institute for the World Economy Email Profile CV
Pan Liu Beijing Normal Email Profile CV
Zhiyang Liu Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Email Profile CV
Jin-Tan Liu National Taiwan University Email Profile CV
Yi Liu College of Economics and Trade Hunan University Changsha, Email Profile CV
Sibo Liu Hong Kong Baptist University Email Profile CV
Yong Liu Wuhan University Email Profile CV
Wen-Hsien Liu National Chung Cheng University Email Profile CV
Wan-Chun Liu Takming College Email Profile CV
Qihong Liu University of Oklahoma Email Profile CV
Guy Liu Brunel University Email Profile CV
Grigorios Livanis University of Florida Email Profile CV
Florine Livat Kedge Email Profile CV
Florine Livat Bordeaux Management School Email Profile CV
Saweda Liverpool-Tasie Michigan State University Email Profile CV
Luca Livio ECARES - Université libre de Bruxelles Email Profile CV
Yair Livne Stanford Graduate School of Business Email Profile CV
Mitchell R. Livy California State University, Fullerton Email Profile CV
Ye Lixin Ohio State University Email Profile CV
Alessandro Lizzeri NYU Email Profile CV
Alessandro Lizzeri Princeton University Email Profile CV
Maxime Liégey Université de Strasbourg Email Profile CV
Bonifacio Llamazares University of Valladolid, Spain Email Profile CV
Gaston Llanes Catholic University of Chile Email Profile CV
Humberto Llavador Pomepeu Fabra Email Profile CV
Victor Lledó IMF Email Profile CV
Fabienne Llense University of Paris 1- Ecole Polytechnique Email Profile CV
Juan S. Lleras Washington DC, USA Email Profile CV
Francesc Llerena Universitat Rovira i Virgili Email Profile CV
Juan Vicente Llinares Universidad de Murcia Email Profile CV
Maria Dolors Llongueras Technical University of Catalonia Email Profile CV
Matthieu Llorca Université of Bourgogne Franche-comté Email Profile CV
Loreto Llorente Universidad Pública de Navarra Email Profile CV
Aniol Llorente-saguer Queen Mary, London Email Profile CV
Tim Lloyd Bournemouth University Email Profile CV
Simon Lloyd Bank of England Email Profile CV
Teresa Lloyd Braga U Catolica Lisbon Email Profile CV
Huw Lloyd-Ellis Queens University Email Profile CV
Teresa Lloyd-braga Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics Email Profile CV
Rodrigo Lluberas Universidad ORT Uruguay and Banco Central del Uruguay Email Profile CV
Melody Lo University of Texas at San Antonio Email Profile CV
Ming Chien Lo Metropolitan State University Email Profile CV
Chi Fai Lo The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Kin Chung Lo York University Email Profile CV
Serigne bassirou Lo Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD) Email Profile CV
Ingrid Lo Bank of Canada Email Profile CV
Alessia Lo turco Università Politecnica delle Marche Email Profile CV
Norman Loayza World Bank Email Profile CV
Ignacio Lobato ITAM Email Profile CV
Alexander mr Lobov videcode Email Profile CV
Júlio Lobão University of Porto – School of Economics and Management Email Profile CV
Dong Truong Loc Can Tho University Email Profile CV
Julie Lochard UPEC Email Profile CV
Lance Lochner University of western Ontario Email Profile CV
Dat Bue Lock Feng Chia University Email Profile CV
Allan Lockard St. Lawrence University Email Profile CV
Stephen Locke Western Kentucky University Email Profile CV
Ben Lockwood University of Warwick Email Profile CV
Larry J. Lockwood Texas Christian University Email Profile CV
Benjamin Lockwood Warwick Email Profile CV
Silvia Loddo Università degli Studi di Cagliari Email Profile CV
Maria Lodetti British American Tobacco Email Profile CV
Axel Loeffler Bundesbank Email Profile CV
Antoine Loeper Universidad Carlos III Email Profile CV
Simon Loertscher University of Melbourne Email Profile CV
Franziska Loew Localyze Email Profile CV
Matthijs Lof Aalto University Email Profile CV
Anders Loflund Hanken School of Economics Email Profile CV
Magnus Lofstrum University of Texas, Dallas Email Profile CV
Nanthakumar Loganathan Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia Email Profile CV
Oksana Loginova University of Missouri Email Profile CV
Joyce C. Loh Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder Email Profile CV
Herve Lohoues ECOWAS Email Profile CV
Tim Lohse Berlin School of Economics and Law Email Profile CV
Andrea Loi University of Cagliari - Italy Email Profile CV
Camille Loir SKEMA Business School – Université Côte d'Azur, France Email Profile CV
Olivier Loisel ENSAE ParisTech Email Profile CV
Ying mei Loke Ms. Email Profile CV
Yiing jia Loke Universiti Sains Malaysia Email Profile CV
Boris O. K. Lokonon Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Université de Parakou, Benin Email Profile CV
Boris O. K. Lokonon Faculty of Economics and Management (FASEG), University of Parakou, Benin Email Profile CV
Isabelle Lokonon do Santos University of Lorraine Email Profile CV
Boris Lokshin Maastricht University Email Profile CV
Michael M. Lokshin World Bank Email Profile CV
Vincenzo Lombadro University Parthenope Email Profile CV
Michele Lombardi Maastricht University Email Profile CV
Chiara Lombardini University of Helsinki Email Profile CV
Rosetta Lombardo Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance, University of Calabria Email Profile CV
Christopher Lominac Rochester Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Kjell Erik Lommerud Universitet i Bergen Email Profile CV
Miaba louise Lompo Laval University Email Profile CV
Aguima aimé bernard Lompo Center for Studies and Research in International Development Email Profile CV
Silvia London Universidad Nacional del Sur Email Profile CV
Juan Londono Fed Board Email Profile CV
Rodrigo Londoño van rutten Universidad de Los Andes Email Profile CV
Trinh Q Long Asian Development Bank Email Profile CV
Wei Long Tulane University Email Profile CV
Xin Long Department of Economics, University of Rome II Email Profile CV
Dede Long CSU Long Beach Email Profile CV
Michael E. Long CFC Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Cheryl Long Colgate University Email Profile CV
Melanie Long College of Wooster, Email Profile CV
Riccarda Longaretti Università di Milano - Bicocca Email Profile CV
Neil Longley University of Massachusetts Email Profile CV
Sergio Longobardi University of Naples "Parthenope" Email Profile CV
Karl E. Lonngren University of Iowa Email Profile CV
Apeles Lexi Lonto Universitas Negeri Manado Email Profile CV
Apeles L Lonto Universitas Negeri Manado Email Profile CV
Teck khun Loo UOW Malaysia KDU Penang University College Email Profile CV
Graham Loomes Waewick Business School Email Profile CV
Adam Looney Utah Email Profile CV
Ana Lopes Department of Management, Santa Catarina South University Email Profile CV
Alexandra Lopes ISCTE - IUL (Lisbon University Institute), Economics Department and ERCUNIDE. Email Profile CV
Paula Lopes LSE Email Profile CV
Thiago H C R Lopes Salvador University (UNIFACS) Email Profile CV
Margarida Catalão Lopes TECNICO Email Profile CV
Sandra Lopes UECE Email Profile CV
Fernando Dias Lopes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Email Profile CV
Renato Lopes da costa BRU-Business Research Unit at ISCTE Email Profile CV
Jimmy Lopez University of Bourgogne Email Profile CV
Ricardo Lopez Indiana University Email Profile CV
Ramon e Lopez Economic Department, Universidad de Chile Email Profile CV
Edward Lopez Western Carolina University Email Profile CV
Juan Lopez Denver Univ Email Profile CV
Humberto Lopez World Bank Email Profile CV
Ramon Lopez U. Maryland Email Profile CV
Claude Lopez Banque de France Email Profile CV
Ricardo Lopez Brandeis University Email Profile CV
Florencia Lopez Boo Inter-American Development Bank Email Profile CV
Brenda Lopez Cabrera Humboldt University Email Profile CV
Miguel Angel Lopez Garcia Autonomous Univ of Barcelona Email Profile CV
Dunia Lopez Pintado Universidad Pablo de Olavide Email Profile CV
Kristian Lopez Vargas UC Santa Cruz Email Profile CV
Enrique Lopez-Bazo University of Barcelona Email Profile CV
Celina Lopez-Mateo Universidad de Guadalajara, CUCEA Email Profile CV
Rodrigo Lopez-Pablos National University of La Matanza Email Profile CV
Laura Lopez-Torres Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Email Profile CV
Alejandro Lopez-feldman Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas, CIDE Email Profile CV
Rafael Lopez-monti Department of Economics, Arizona State University Email Profile CV
Antonio Lopolito Department of Production and Innovation (PrIME) - University of Foggia, Italy Email Profile CV
Antonio Lopolito Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Foggia Email Profile CV
Antonio Lopolito University of Foggia Email Profile CV
Jorge Lorca Central Bank of Chile Email Profile CV
Troy Lorde The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus Email Profile CV
Benoit Lorel ISG Paris and THEMA Université de Cergy-Pontoise Email Profile CV
Christian Lorenczik University of Oxford Email Profile CV
Normann Lorenz University of Trier Email Profile CV
Leticia Lorenzo Universidad de Vigo Email Profile CV
Pilar Lorenzo Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y de Administración - Universidad de la República Email Profile CV
Pilar Lorenzo Universidad de la República Email Profile CV
Silvia Lorenzo-Freire Universidade de Coruña Email Profile CV
Francisco-xavier Lores Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Email Profile CV
Simon Loretz Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS) Email Profile CV
Thierry Lorey Kedge Business School, France Email Profile CV
Oliver Lorz RWTH Aachen University Email Profile CV
Iryna Losheniuk Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Email Profile CV
Oksana Losheniuk Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Email Profile CV
Francesca Lotti Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies - Pisa, Italy Email Profile CV
Sebastien Lotz University of Paris 2 Email Profile CV
Wei qi Lou Ji nan University Email Profile CV
Erik Loualiche University of Minnesota Email Profile CV
Christine Louargant CEREFIGE Email Profile CV
Diana Loubaki Université Marien NGouabi Email Profile CV
Philippos Louis Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Email Profile CV
Rosmy Louis Vancouver Island University Email Profile CV
Kamilia Loukil Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax Email Profile CV
Sahar Loukil University of Sfax Email Profile CV
Nadia Loukil ISG Bizerte Tunisia Email Profile CV
Russell W. Louks Michigan Technological University Email Profile CV
Gabriel Loumeau ETH Zurich Email Profile CV
Prakash Loungani International Monetary Fund Email Profile CV
Claire Loupias EPEE Université d''Evry Email Profile CV
Maria Loureiro Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Email Profile CV
Paulo R. A. Loureiro University of Brasilia Email Profile CV
Lucas S. Lourenço Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF) Email Profile CV
Thiago T Lourenço Bank of Brazil Email Profile CV
Lucas S. Lourenço Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil Email Profile CV
Alexandre Loures Federal University of Pelotas Email Profile CV
Alexandre Loures Federal University of Pelotas Email Profile CV
Alexandre Loures Federal University of Vicosa Email Profile CV
Glenn Loury Brown University Email Profile CV
Bruno Louvain U. Louvain Email Profile CV
Dimitrios P. Louzis Bank of Greece Email Profile CV
Bruno Lovat University of Nancy 2 Email Profile CV
David Love Brock University Email Profile CV
Rosa Loveira Universidade de Vigo Email Profile CV
Mary Lovely Syracuse Email Profile CV
Mitch Lovett University of Rochester Email Profile CV
Soo-wah Low Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Email Profile CV
Hamish Low University of Cambridge Email Profile CV
Aaron Lowen Grand Valley State University Email Profile CV
Richard Lowery Carnegie Mellon University Email Profile CV
Jens-peter Loy Institute of Agricultural Economics, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel Email Profile CV
Carlos Loza Labcorp Email Profile CV
Javier Lozano University of the Balearic islands Email Profile CV
Ignacio Lozano Banco de la Republica (Colombian Central Bank) Email Profile CV
Felipe Lozano-Rojas University of Georgia Email Profile CV
Eugenio Lozano-castillo Universidad de Monterrey Email Profile CV
Ana Lozano-vivas Universidad de Malaga Email Profile CV
Vahe Lskavyan Ohio University Email Profile CV
Xiaoyong Lu School of software, NangChang University,Nanchang,330000,China Email Profile CV
Jingfeng Lu National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Shu-Shiuan Lu National Tsing-Hua University Email Profile CV
Yan Lu The Science History and Scientific Management Department of Inner Mongolia Normal University Email Profile CV
Wei Lu University of Science and Technology of China Email Profile CV
Chia Hui Lu City University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Liping Lu VU University Amsterdam Email Profile CV
Ruichang Lu PKU Guanghua School of Management Email Profile CV
Yan Lu Graduate School of Economics Tohoku University Email Profile CV
Chia-Hui Lu Academica Sinica Email Profile CV
Huei-chung Lu Fu-Jen Catholic University Email Profile CV
Wenxi Lu Harbin Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Chia-hui Lu National Taipei University Email Profile CV
Chenxi Lu The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Yang Lu University of Paris 13 Email Profile CV
Lauren xiaoyuan Lu University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Email Profile CV
Hui-Chung Lu Fujen Catholic University Email Profile CV
Hu Lu Health Canada Email Profile CV
Yingying Lu Centre for Macroeconomic Analysis, Australian Nationa University Email Profile CV
Chun-Hui Lu Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, R.O.C. Email Profile CV
Yuanzhu Lu Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing Email Profile CV
Xing Lu Indiana University South Bend Email Profile CV
Shaoyi Lu Rennes School of Business Email Profile CV
Chi huu Lu Banking University Ho Chi Minh City Email Profile CV
Yang-Cheng Lu Department of Finance, Ming Chuan University, Taipei. Taiwan Email Profile CV
Yuluo Lu Department of Economics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023,China Email Profile CV
Shih en Lu Simon Fraser University Email Profile CV
Ching-mei Lu Department of International Business, Kao Yuan University Email Profile CV
Yuanzhu Lu National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Chia-Hui Lu National Taipei University, Department of Economics Email Profile CV
David Lu United World College of South East Asia (Dover) Email Profile CV
Huei-fu Lu Department of Sport Management, Aletheia University Email Profile CV
Yuanzhu Lu International School of Business and Finance, Sun Yat-sen University (Zhuhai Campus) Email Profile CV
Wen-Cheng Lu Ming Chuan University, 5 De Ming Rd., Gui Shan District, Taoyuan City, 333, Taiwan, Republic of China Email Profile CV
Alessandra Luati University of Bologna Email Profile CV
Diego Lubian Department of Economics, University of Verona Email Profile CV
Gregory Lubiani Texas A&M University - Commerce Email Profile CV
Thomas A. Lubik Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Email Profile CV
Thomas Lubik Johns Hopkins University Email Profile CV
Darren Lubotsky University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Email Profile CV
Michel Lubrano CNRS Email Profile CV
Omgba Luc Désiré CERDI, Université d'Auvergne Email Profile CV
Stefano Lucarelli Dipartimento "Hyman P. Minsky", Università di Bergamo Email Profile CV
Henning Lucas Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover Email Profile CV
Andreza D. P. Lucas University of Pernambuco Email Profile CV
Vander Mendes Lucas Universidade de Brasília Email Profile CV
Josu Lucas Basque Centre for Climate Change Email Profile CV
Vander Lucas IRES, Universite Catholique de Louvain - Belgium and Universidade Catolica de Brasilia - Brazil. Email Profile CV
Andre Lucas Free University Amsterdam Email Profile CV
Vander Lucas University of Brasilia Email Profile CV
Adrienne Lucas University of Delaware Email Profile CV
David Olivier Lucca Federal Reserve Bank of New York Email Profile CV
Andrew Luccasen Mississippi University for Women Email Profile CV
Jack Lucchetti univpm Email Profile CV
Raphael D F Lucena UERN Email Profile CV
Raphael F. Lucena Federal University of Ceará (UFC) Email Profile CV
Brian Lucey Dublin, Trinity College Email Profile CV
Stéphane Luchini GREQAM - IDEP - CNRS Email Profile CV
Stephane Luchini Aix-Marseille Université Email Profile CV
Hanna L Luchnikava IHS Email Profile CV
Julio J Lucia University of Valencia Email Profile CV
Matteo Luciani Université Libre de Bruxelles Email Profile CV
Brendan Lucier University of Toronto Email Profile CV
Claudio Lucifora università cattolica Email Profile CV
Yannick Lucotte PSB Paris School of Business Email Profile CV
Mike Ludkovski University of California Santa Barbara Email Profile CV
Jorge Ludlow Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Email Profile CV
Filipe Luduvice Universidade de Brasilia Email Profile CV
Alexander Ludwig University of Frankfort Email Profile CV
Yu-lung Lue National Tsing Hua University Email Profile CV
Simon Luechinger University of Lucerne, Department of Economics Email Profile CV
Maria Ana Lugo University of Oxford Email Profile CV
Alejandro Lugon ceruti Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru Email Profile CV
Volodymyr Lugovskyy Georgia Institute of Technology Email Profile CV
Wolfgang Luhan University of Portsmouth Email Profile CV
Kai-Yin Lui The Chinese university of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Kim man Lui Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Email Profile CV
Francis Lui HKUST Email Profile CV
Luini Luigi Università di Siena Email Profile CV
Kul Luintel Cardiff Business SChool Email Profile CV
Hari S. Luitel Algoma University Email Profile CV
Isabel Luiz University of Oxford Email Profile CV
Kin Keung Luk Department of Finance, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email Profile CV
Daniel Lukas Technische Universität Dresden Email Profile CV
Lukman Lukman Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Indonesia Email Profile CV
Ignas Lukoševičius Vytautas Magnus University Email Profile CV
Robin Lumsdaine American University Email Profile CV
Paulo henrique Luna Universidade Federal Fluminense Email Profile CV
Edgar Luna Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon Email Profile CV
Sebastian José Luna-victoria University of Paderborn Email Profile CV
Josh Lund-Wilde Fidelity Investments Email Profile CV
Shelly Lundberg UCSB Email Profile CV
Shelly Lundberg University of California Santa Barbara Email Profile CV
Clark Lundberg San Diego State University Email Profile CV
Petter Lundborg Lund University Email Profile CV
Michael Lundholm Stockholm University Email Profile CV
Michael Lundholm Stockholms Universitet Email Profile CV
Frederik Lundtofte Department of Economics, Lund University Email Profile CV
Rodney Lunduka International Institute for Environment and Development, United Kigdom Email Profile CV
Peter Lunn ESRI Email Profile CV
Jianbo Luo State University of New York at Buffalo Email Profile CV
Leqin Luo Department of Statistics,School of Economics,Xiamen University,China Email Profile CV
Xiaoyi Luo Kyushu University Email Profile CV
Xiao Luo National University of Singapore Email Profile CV
Wenlan Luo Tsinghua University Email Profile CV
Wenlan Luo Associate Professor Tsinghua University Email Profile CV
Weijie Luo Central University of Finance and Economics Email Profile CV
Yao Luo University of Toronto Email Profile CV
Xinggang Luo Hangzhou Dianzi University Email Profile CV
Qizhou Luo University of Nevada, Reno Email Profile CV
Pengfei Luo Hitotsubashi University Email Profile CV
Dung Anh Luong Osaka Research Center for Industry and the Economy, Osaka Prefectural Government Email Profile CV
Thai-Bao Luong National Economics University Email Profile CV
Tuan Anh Luong Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Email Profile CV
Trang thi dai Luong Foreign Trade University, Vietnam Email Profile CV
Tuan anh Luong De Montfort University Email Profile CV
Long Kim Luong Faculty of Finance and Banking, Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam Email Profile CV
Trang Dai Luong Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam Email Profile CV
Frank Lupi Michigan State University Email Profile CV
Claudio Lupi University of Molise, Dept. SEGeS Email Profile CV
Arthur Lupia University of Michigan Email Profile CV
Annalisa Luporini University of Florence, Department of Economics Email Profile CV
Ithai Z Lurie U.S. Department of the Treasury Email Profile CV
Peter Lusanga North West University (Potchefstroom Campus) Email Profile CV
Anamaria Lusardi George Washington University Email Profile CV
Annamaria Lusardi Dartmouth College Email Profile CV
Jayson L. Lusk Purdue University Email Profile CV
Jayson L. Lusk Oklahoma State University Email Profile CV
Israel Luski Ben-Gurion University Email Profile CV
Amaze Lusompa Federa Reserve Bank of Kansas City Email Profile CV
Nora Lustig Tulane University Email Profile CV
Will Luther Florida Atlantic U Email Profile CV
Roland Luttens Univ. of Amsterdam Email Profile CV
Byron F Lutz Dr Fed Reserve Email Profile CV
Peter F. Lutz Leibniz University Hannover Email Profile CV
J. Marie Lutz Georgia Southern University Email Profile CV
Hong Anh Luu Vrije Universiteit Brussel Email Profile CV
Thomas Lux CEU Kiel Email Profile CV
Vitor F Luz Yale University Email Profile CV
Ana Lúcia Luís Professor at ISG Business School Email Profile CV
Xinjun Lv Economic School of Huazhong University of Science & Technology ,Wuhan Email Profile CV
Yiqing Lv New York University, Shanghai Email Profile CV
Mouhamadou moustapha Ly Policy Center for the New South Email Profile CV
Tidiane Ly USI Email Profile CV
Mouhamadou moustapha Ly CERDI and University Gaston Berger Email Profile CV
Travis Lybbert University of California, Davis Email Profile CV
Zigmas Lydeka Vytautas Magnus University Email Profile CV
Chun-Teck Lye Multimedia University Email Profile CV
Johan Lyhagen Department of Information Science, Division of Statistics, Uppsala University Email Profile CV
Bennett Lynch Elon University Email Profile CV
Muireann Lynch ESRI, Ireland Email Profile CV
Catherine Lynde University of Massachusetts Boston Email Profile CV
André Lynum Tidal Music AS Email Profile CV
Thomas P. Lyon University of Michigan Email Profile CV
Sarah C Lyon University of San Diego Email Profile CV
Richard Lyons Goldman Sachs and University of Californai, Berkeley Email Profile CV
Angela Lyons University of Illinois at Urbana Email Profile CV
Photis Lysandrou City University Political Economy Research Centre Email Profile CV
Arja Lyytikäinen Central Finland Healthcare district Email Profile CV
Martin Lábaj University of Economics in Bratislava Email Profile CV
Nieves Lázaro University of Valencia Email Profile CV
Pierre-Thomas Léger University of Illinois at Chicago Email Profile CV
Patrick Léoni Kedge Business School Email Profile CV
Emmanuel Lépinette Ceremade, Paris-Dauphine University Email Profile CV
Tito Lívio Universidade Federal do Piauí Email Profile CV
Raquel López University of Castilla - La Mancha Email Profile CV
Ángel López Departament d'Economia Aplicada (UAB) Email Profile CV
Alberto López Department of Economic Analysis. Universidad Complutense de Madrid Email Profile CV
Javier López González OECD Email Profile CV
Iván López Martínez Universidade da Coruña (Spain) Email Profile CV
Antonia López Villavicencio Université de Lyon Email Profile CV
Jesús López-Rodríguez University of A Coruña and Harvard University Email Profile CV
Arnoldo López-marmolejo Inter-American Development Bank Email Profile CV
Mårten Löf Sveriges Riksbank Email Profile CV
Åsa Löfgren University of Gothenburg Email Profile CV
Andreas Löschel University of Münster Email Profile CV
Melanie Lührmann IFS Email Profile CV
Christoph Lülfesmann Simon Fraser Email Profile CV
Marius Lüske ETH Zürich Email Profile CV
Davide la Torre University of Dubai and University of Milan Email Profile CV
Davide la Torre University of Milan, Italy Email Profile CV
johan lagerlof University of Copenhagen Email Profile CV
ariane lambert paris school of economics Email Profile CV
lastilinp lastilinp lastilinp Email Profile CV
koczy laszlo Óbudai university Email Profile CV
Yann le Bodo Laval University Email Profile CV
Michel le Breton GREMAQ and IDEI Email Profile CV
yassine lefouili Core/Toulouse Email Profile CV
Maria Vittoria levati Verona university Email Profile CV
peng liang Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration, Hokkaido University, Japan Email Profile CV
william liefert USDA-ERS Email Profile CV
michele lombardi University of Glasgow Email Profile CV
michele lombardi Queen Mary, University of London Email Profile CV
stephane luchini greqam marseille Email Profile CV